Stopping criteria for value computations.
This module provides a basic set of stopping criteria, like MaxUpdates, MaxTime, or HistoryDeviation among others. These can behave in different ways depending on the context. For example, MaxUpdates limits the number of updates to values, which depending on the algorithm may mean a different number of utility evaluations or imply other computations like solving a linear or quadratic program.
Stopping criteria are callables that are evaluated on a ValuationResult and return a Status object. They can be combined using boolean operators.
How convergence is determined¶
Most stopping criteria keep track of the convergence of each index separately but make global decisions based on the overall convergence of some fraction of all indices. For example, if we have a stopping criterion that checks whether the standard error of 90% of values is below a threshold, then methods will keep updating all indices until 90% of them have converged, irrespective of the quality of the individual estimates, and without freezing updates for indices along the way as values individually attain low standard error.
This has some practical implications, because some values do tend to converge
sooner than others. For example, assume we use the criterion
AbsoluteStandardError(0.02) | MaxUpdates(1000)
. Then values close to 0 might
be marked as "converged" rather quickly because they fulfill the first
criterion, say after 20 iterations, despite being poor estimates. Because other
indices take much longer to have low standard error and the criterion is a
global check, the "converged" ones keep being updated and end up being good
estimates. In this case, this has been beneficial, but one might not wish for
converged values to be updated, if one is sure that the criterion is adequate
for individual values.
Semi-value methods include a parameter
that allows to skip the computation of values that have
converged. The way to avoid doing this too early is to use a more stringent
check, e.g. AbsoluteStandardError(1e-3) | MaxUpdates(1000)
. With
this check can still take less time than the first one,
despite requiring more iterations for some indices.
Choosing a stopping criterion¶
The choice of a stopping criterion greatly depends on the algorithm and the
context. A safe bet is to combine a MaxUpdates
or a MaxTime with a
HistoryDeviation or an
AbsoluteStandardError. The former
will ensure that the computation does not run for too long, while the latter
will try to achieve results that are stable enough. Note however that if the
threshold is too strict, one will always end up running until a maximum number
of iterations or time. Also keep in mind that different values converge at
different times, so you might want to use tight thresholds and skip_converged
as described above for semi-values.
from pydvl.value import AbsoluteStandardError, MaxUpdates, compute_banzhaf_semivalues
utility = ... # some utility object
criterion = AbsoluteStandardError(threshold=1e-3, burn_in=32) | MaxUpdates(1000)
values = compute_banzhaf_semivalues(
skip_converged=True, # skip values that have converged (CAREFUL!)
until either the
absolute standard error is below 1e-3
or 1000
updates have been
performed. The burn_in
parameter is used to discard the first 32
from the computation of the standard error. The skip_converged
is used to avoid computing more marginals for indices that have converged,
which is useful if
AbsoluteStandardError is met
before MaxUpdates for some indices.
Be careful not to reuse the same stopping criterion for different computations. The object has state and will not be reset between calls to value computation methods. If you need to reuse the same criterion, you should create a new instance.
Creating stopping criteria¶
The easiest way is to declare a function implementing the interface StoppingCriterionCallable and wrap it with make_criterion(). This creates a StoppingCriterion object that can be composed with other stopping criteria.
Alternatively, and in particular if reporting of completion is required, one can
inherit from this class and implement the abstract methods _check
Combining stopping criteria¶
Objects of type StoppingCriterion can
be combined with the binary operators &
(and), and |
(or), following the
truth tables of Status. The unary operator ~
(not) is also supported. See
StoppingCriterion for details on how
these operations affect the behavior of the stopping criteria.
Ghorbani, A., Zou, J., 2019. Data Shapley: Equitable Valuation of Data for Machine Learning. In: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR, pp. 2242–2251. ↩
Wang, J.T. and Jia, R., 2023. Data Banzhaf: A Robust Data Valuation Framework for Machine Learning. In: Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, pp. 6388-6421. ↩
StoppingCriterion(modify_result: bool = True)
Bases: ABC
A composable callable object to determine whether a computation must stop.
A StoppingCriterion
is a callable taking a
ValuationResult and returning a
Status. It also keeps track of individual
convergence of values with
converged, and reports
the overall completion of the computation with
Instances of StoppingCriterion
can be composed with the binary operators
(and), and |
(or), following the truth tables of
Status. The unary operator ~
(not) is
also supported. These boolean operations act according to the following
- The results of
are combined with the operator. See Status for the truth tables. - The results of converged are combined with the operator (returning another boolean array).
- The completion method returns the min, max, or the complement to 1 of the completions of the operands, for AND, OR and NOT respectively. This is required for cases where one of the criteria does not keep track of the convergence of single values, e.g. MaxUpdates, because completion by default returns the mean of the boolean convergence array.
Subclassing this class requires implementing a check()
method that
returns a Status object based on a given
ValuationResult. This method should
update the attribute _converged
, which is a boolean array indicating
whether the value for each index has converged.
When this does not make sense for a particular stopping criterion,
completion should be
overridden to provide an overall completion value, since its default
implementation attempts to compute the mean of _converged
modify_result |
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
completion() -> float
Returns a value between 0 and 1 indicating the completion of the computation.
__call__(result: ValuationResult) -> Status
Calls check()
, maybe updating the result.
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
threshold: float,
fraction: float = 1.0,
burn_in: int = 4,
modify_result: bool = True,
Bases: StoppingCriterion
Determine convergence based on the standard error of the values.
threshold |
A value is considered to have converged if the standard error is below this threshold. A way of choosing it is to pick some percentage of the range of the values. For Shapley values this is the difference between the maximum and minimum of the utility function (to see this substitute the maximum and minimum values of the utility into the marginal contribution formula).
fraction |
The fraction of values that must have converged for the criterion to return Converged.
burn_in |
The number of iterations to ignore before checking for convergence. This is required because computations typically start with zero variance, as a result of using zeros(). The default is set to an arbitrary minimum which is usually enough but may need to be increased.
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completion() -> float
Returns a value between 0 and 1 indicating the completion of the computation.
__call__(result: ValuationResult) -> Status
Calls check()
, maybe updating the result.
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
Bases: StoppingCriterion
Terminate as soon as the number of checks exceeds the threshold.
A "check" is one call to the criterion.
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__call__(result: ValuationResult) -> Status
Calls check()
, maybe updating the result.
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
Bases: StoppingCriterion
Terminate if any number of value updates exceeds or equals the given threshold.
If you want to ensure that all values have been updated, you probably want MinUpdates instead.
This checks the counts
field of a
ValuationResult, i.e. the number of
times that each index has been updated. For powerset samplers, the maximum
of this number coincides with the maximum number of subsets sampled. For
permutation samplers, it coincides with the number of permutations sampled.
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
__call__(result: ValuationResult) -> Status
Calls check()
, maybe updating the result.
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
Bases: StoppingCriterion
Terminate as soon as all value updates exceed or equal the given threshold.
This checks the counts
field of a
ValuationResult, i.e. the number of times that
each index has been updated. For powerset samplers, the minimum of this
number is a lower bound for the number of subsets sampled. For
permutation samplers, it lower-bounds the amount of permutations sampled.
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
__call__(result: ValuationResult) -> Status
Calls check()
, maybe updating the result.
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
Bases: StoppingCriterion
Terminate if the computation time exceeds the given number of seconds.
Checks the elapsed time since construction
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
__call__(result: ValuationResult) -> Status
Calls check()
, maybe updating the result.
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
n_steps: int,
rtol: float,
pin_converged: bool = True,
modify_result: bool = True,
Bases: StoppingCriterion
A simple check for relative distance to a previous step in the computation.
The method used by (Ghorbani and Zou, 2019)1 computes the relative
distances between the current values
When the denominator is zero, the summand is set to the value of
This implementation is slightly generalised to allow for different number of updates to individual indices, as happens with powerset samplers instead of permutations. Every subset of indices that is found to converge can be pinned to that state. Once all indices have converged the method has converged.
This criterion is meant for the reproduction of the results in the paper, but we do not recommend using it in practice.
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
completion() -> float
Returns a value between 0 and 1 indicating the completion of the computation.
__call__(result: ValuationResult) -> Status
Calls check()
, maybe updating the result.
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
Bases: StoppingCriterion
A check for stability of Spearman correlation between checks.
When the change in rank correlation between two successive iterations is below a given threshold, the computation is terminated. The criterion computes the Spearman correlation between two successive iterations. The Spearman correlation uses the ordering indices of the given values and correlates them. This means it focuses on the order of the elements instead of their exact values. If the order stops changing (meaning the Banzhaf semivalues estimates converge), the criterion stops the algorithm.
This criterion is used in (Wang et. al.)2.
rtol |
Relative tolerance for convergence (
modify_result |
burn_in |
The minimum number of iterations before checking for convergence. This is required because the first correlation is meaningless.
Added in 0.9.0
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
__call__(result: ValuationResult) -> Status
Calls check()
, maybe updating the result.
Source code in src/pydvl/value/
fun: StoppingCriterionCallable,
converged: Callable[[], NDArray[bool_]] | None = None,
completion: Callable[[], float] | None = None,
name: str | None = None,
) -> Type[StoppingCriterion]
Create a new StoppingCriterion from a function. Use this to enable simpler functions to be composed with bitwise operators
fun |
The callable to wrap. |
converged |
A callable that returns a boolean array indicating what values have converged. |
completion |
A callable that returns a value between 0 and 1 indicating the rate of completion of the computation. If not provided, the fraction of converged values is used. |
name |
The name of the new criterion. If
A new subclass of StoppingCriterion. |