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This module implements stratified samplers.

Stratified samplers change the subset sampling distribution to be a function of set size with the goal of reducing the variance of the Monte Carlo estimate of the marginal utility. This is essentially importance sampling, with the heuristic that the utility's variance is a function of the training set size.

In the simplest case, StratifiedSampler takes a strategy with a fixed number of samples \(m_k\) for each set size \(k \in [0, n],\) where \(n\) is the total number of indices in the index set \(N.\) It iterates through all indices exactly once (using FiniteSequentialIndexIteration) and for each index \(i \in N\), iterates through all set sizes \(k\), then samples exactly \(m_k\) subsets \(S \subset N_{-i}\) of size \(k\).

This is the procedure used e.g. in Variance Reduced Stratified Sampling (VRDS), introduced by Wu et al. (2023)2, with a simple heuristic setting \(m_k\) to a decreasing function of \(k.\) Their heuristic is a generalization of the ideas in Maleki et al. (2014)3.

Constructing a VRDS

To create a sampler as in Wu et al. (2023)2, one would use the following code:

n_samples_per_index = 1000  # Total number of samples is: n_indices times this
sampler = StratifiedSampler(

Available strategies

All components described below can be mixed in most ways, but some specific configurations appear in the literature as follows:

  • Constant sample sizes \(m_k = c\), but restricting \(m_k = 0\) if \(k \notin [l_n, u_n]\) for lower and upper bounds \(l_n\) and \(u_n\) determined as functions of \(n,\) the total number of indices. This sampling method was introduced by Watson et al. (2023)1 for the computation of Shapley values as \(\delta\)-Shapley. ??? Example "Constructing a sampler for \(\delta\)-Shapley"

    sampler = StratifiedSampler(
        sample_sizes=ConstantSampleSize(n_samples=10, lower_bound=1, upper_bound=2),

  • Sample sizes decreasing with a power law. Use PowerLawSampleSize for the strategy. This was also proposed in Wu et al. (2023)2. Empirically they found an exponent between -1 and -0.5 to perform well. ??? Example "Power law heuristic" ```python sampler = StratifiedSampler( sample_sizes=PowerLawSampleSize(n_samples=1000, exponent=-0.5), sample_sizes_iteration=RandomSizeIteration, index_iteration=RandomIndexIteration, )

  • Group Testing Sample Size. This heuristic is used for the stratified sampling required by GroupTestingShapleyValuation.

Iterating over indices and its effect on n_samples

As any other sampler, StratifiedSampler can iterate over indices finitely or infinitely many times. It can also use NoIndexIteration to sample from the whole powerset. This is configured with the parameter index_iteration.

In the case of finite iterations, the sampler must distribute a finite total number of samples among all indices. This is done by the SampleSizeStrategy, which therefore requires an argument n_samples to be set to the number of samples per index.


On the other hand, if the sampler iterates over the indices indefinitely, n_indices can be set, but only relative frequencies will matter. As we see next, there is another component that will affect how the sampler behaves.

Iterating over set sizes

Additionally, StratifiedSampler must iterate over sample sizes \(k \in [0, n]\), and this can be done in multiple ways, configured via subclasses of SampleSizeIteration.

  • DeterministicSizeIteration will generate exactly \(m_k\) samples for each \(k\) before moving to the next \(k.\) This implies that n_samples must be large enough for the computed \(m_k\) to be valid.
  • RandomSizeIteration will sample a set size \(k\) according to the distribution of sizes given by the strategy. When using this in conjunction with an infinite index iteration for the sampler, n_samples can be safely set to 1 since \(m_k\) will be interpreted as a probability.
  • RoundRobinIteration will iterate over set sizes \(k\) and generate one sample each time, until reaching \(m_k.\)

Choosing set size heuristics

Optimal sampling (leading to minimal variance estimators) involves a dynamic choice of the number \(m_k\) of samples at size \(k\) based on the variance of the Monte Carlo integrand, but Wu et al. (2023)2 show that there exist methods applicable to semi-values which precompute these sizes while still providing reasonable performance.

The number of sets of size \(k\)

Recall that uniform sampling from the powerset \(2^{N_{-i}}\) produces a binomial distribution of set sizes: the number of sets of size \(k\) is \(m_k = \binom{n-1}{k},\) which is the (inverse of the) Shapley coefficient. Therefore, setting for instance \(m_k = C\) for some constant will drastically reduce the number of sets of size \(\sym n/2\) while increasing the number of sets of size 1 or \(n-1.\) This will then have stark implications on the Monte Carlo estimate of semi-values, depending on how the marginal utility (i.e. the training of the model) is affected by the size of the training set.

This heuristic is configured with the argument sample_size_strategy of StratifiedSampler, which is an instance of SampleSizeStrategy.


  1. Watson, Lauren, Zeno Kujawa, Rayna Andreeva, Hao-Tsung Yang, Tariq Elahi, and Rik Sarkar. Accelerated Shapley Value Approximation for Data Evaluation. arXiv, 9 November 2023. 

  2. Wu, Mengmeng, Ruoxi Jia, Changle Lin, Wei Huang, and Xiangyu Chang. Variance Reduced Shapley Value Estimation for Trustworthy Data Valuation. Computers & Operations Research 159 (1 November 2023): 106305. 

  3. Maleki, Sasan, Long Tran-Thanh, Greg Hines, Talal Rahwan, and Alex Rogers. Bounding the Estimation Error of Sampling-Based Shapley Value Approximation. arXiv:1306.4265 [Cs], 12 February 2014. 


SampleSizeStrategy(n_samples: int)

Bases: ABC

An object to compute the number of samples to take for a given set size. Based on Wu et al. (2023)1, Theorem 4.2.

To be used with StratifiedSampler.

Sets the number of sets at size \(k\) to be

\[m(k) = m \frac{f(k)}{\sum_{j=0}^{n} f(j)},\]

for some choice of \(f.\) Implementations of this base class must override the method fun(). It is provided both the size \(k\) and the total number of indices \(n\) as arguments.


Number of samples for the stratified sampler to generate, per index. If the sampler uses NoIndexIteration, then this will coincide with the total number of samples.

TYPE: int

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, n_samples: int):
    """Construct a heuristic for the given number of samples.

        n_samples: Number of samples for the stratified sampler to generate,
            **per index**. If the sampler uses
            [NoIndexIteration][pydvl.valuation.samplers.NoIndexIteration], then this
            will coincide with the total number of samples.
    self.n_samples = n_samples

fun abstractmethod

fun(n_indices: int, subset_len: int) -> float

The function \(f\) to use in the heuristic. Args: n_indices: Size of the index set. subset_len: Size of the subset.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def fun(self, n_indices: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    """The function $f$ to use in the heuristic.
        n_indices: Size of the index set.
        subset_len: Size of the subset.

sample_sizes cached

    n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[int_] | NDArray[float_]

Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to n_indices inclusive.

This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.


A naive implementation with e.g.

m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
        for k in range(n)]
would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute remainders correctly.


number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is typically len(dataset) - 1 with the usual index iterations.

TYPE: int


Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If False, the raw floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for RandomSizeIteration where one needs frequencies. In this case n_samples can be 1.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True

Returns: The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if quantize is True. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_sizes(
    self, n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[np.int_] | NDArray[np.float_]:
    """Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to
    `n_indices` inclusive.

    This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts
    so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders
    in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.

    ??? Note
        A naive implementation with e.g.
        m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
                for k in range(n)]
        would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute
        remainders correctly.

        n_indices: number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is
            typically `len(dataset) - 1` with the usual index iterations.
        quantize: Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If `False`, the raw
            floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for
            where one needs frequencies. In this case `n_samples` can
            be 1.
        The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if
        `quantize` is `True`. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

    # m_k = m * f(k) / sum_j f(j)
    values = np.empty(n_indices + 1, dtype=float)
    s = 0.0

    for k in range(n_indices + 1):
        val =, k)
        values[k] = val
        s += val

    values *= self.n_samples / s
    if not quantize:
        return values

    # Round down and distribute remainder by adjusting the largest fractional parts
    int_values: NDArray[np.int_] = np.floor(values).astype(np.int_)
    remainder = self.n_samples - np.sum(int_values)
    fractional_parts = values - int_values
    fractional_parts_indices = np.argsort(-fractional_parts)[:remainder]
    int_values[fractional_parts_indices] += 1
    return int_values


    n_samples: int, lower_bound: int = 0, upper_bound: int | None = None

Bases: SampleSizeStrategy

Use a constant number of samples for each set size between two (optional) bounds. The total number of samples (per index) is respected.


Total number of samples to generate per index.

TYPE: int


Lower bound for the set size. If the set size is smaller than this, the probability of sampling is 0.



Upper bound for the set size. If the set size is larger than this, the probability of sampling is 0. If None, the upper bound is set to the number of indices.

TYPE: int | None DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    n_samples: int,
    lower_bound: int = 0,
    upper_bound: int | None = None,
    self.lower_bound = lower_bound
    self.upper_bound = upper_bound

sample_sizes cached

    n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[int_] | NDArray[float_]

Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to n_indices inclusive.

This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.


A naive implementation with e.g.

m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
        for k in range(n)]
would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute remainders correctly.


number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is typically len(dataset) - 1 with the usual index iterations.

TYPE: int


Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If False, the raw floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for RandomSizeIteration where one needs frequencies. In this case n_samples can be 1.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True

Returns: The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if quantize is True. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_sizes(
    self, n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[np.int_] | NDArray[np.float_]:
    """Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to
    `n_indices` inclusive.

    This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts
    so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders
    in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.

    ??? Note
        A naive implementation with e.g.
        m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
                for k in range(n)]
        would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute
        remainders correctly.

        n_indices: number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is
            typically `len(dataset) - 1` with the usual index iterations.
        quantize: Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If `False`, the raw
            floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for
            where one needs frequencies. In this case `n_samples` can
            be 1.
        The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if
        `quantize` is `True`. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

    # m_k = m * f(k) / sum_j f(j)
    values = np.empty(n_indices + 1, dtype=float)
    s = 0.0

    for k in range(n_indices + 1):
        val =, k)
        values[k] = val
        s += val

    values *= self.n_samples / s
    if not quantize:
        return values

    # Round down and distribute remainder by adjusting the largest fractional parts
    int_values: NDArray[np.int_] = np.floor(values).astype(np.int_)
    remainder = self.n_samples - np.sum(int_values)
    fractional_parts = values - int_values
    fractional_parts_indices = np.argsort(-fractional_parts)[:remainder]
    int_values[fractional_parts_indices] += 1
    return int_values


GroupTestingSampleSize(n_samples: int = 1)

Bases: SampleSizeStrategy

Heuristic choice of samples per set size used for Group Testing.

GroupTestingShapleyValuation uses this strategy for the stratified sampling of samples with which to construct the linear problem it requires.

This heuristic sets the number of sets at size \(k\) to be

\[m_k = m \frac{f(k)}{\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} f(j)},\]

for a total number of samples \(m\) and:

\[ f(k) = \frac{1}{k} + \frac{1}{n-k}, \text{for} k \in \{1, n-1\}. \]

For GT Shapley, \(m=1\) and \(m_k\) is interpreted as a probability of sampling size \(k.\)

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, n_samples: int = 1):

sample_sizes cached

    n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[int_] | NDArray[float_]

Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to n_indices inclusive.

This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.


A naive implementation with e.g.

m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
        for k in range(n)]
would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute remainders correctly.


number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is typically len(dataset) - 1 with the usual index iterations.

TYPE: int


Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If False, the raw floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for RandomSizeIteration where one needs frequencies. In this case n_samples can be 1.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True

Returns: The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if quantize is True. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_sizes(
    self, n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[np.int_] | NDArray[np.float_]:
    """Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to
    `n_indices` inclusive.

    This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts
    so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders
    in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.

    ??? Note
        A naive implementation with e.g.
        m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
                for k in range(n)]
        would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute
        remainders correctly.

        n_indices: number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is
            typically `len(dataset) - 1` with the usual index iterations.
        quantize: Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If `False`, the raw
            floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for
            where one needs frequencies. In this case `n_samples` can
            be 1.
        The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if
        `quantize` is `True`. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

    # m_k = m * f(k) / sum_j f(j)
    values = np.empty(n_indices + 1, dtype=float)
    s = 0.0

    for k in range(n_indices + 1):
        val =, k)
        values[k] = val
        s += val

    values *= self.n_samples / s
    if not quantize:
        return values

    # Round down and distribute remainder by adjusting the largest fractional parts
    int_values: NDArray[np.int_] = np.floor(values).astype(np.int_)
    remainder = self.n_samples - np.sum(int_values)
    fractional_parts = values - int_values
    fractional_parts_indices = np.argsort(-fractional_parts)[:remainder]
    int_values[fractional_parts_indices] += 1
    return int_values


HarmonicSampleSize(n_samples: int)

Bases: SampleSizeStrategy

Heuristic choice of samples per set size for VRDS.

Sets the number of sets at size \(k\) to be

\[m_k = m \frac{f(k)}{\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} f(j)},\]

for a total number of samples \(m\) and:

\[f(k) = \frac{1}{1+k}.\]

Number of samples for the stratified sampler to generate, per index. If the sampler uses NoIndexIteration, then this will coincide with the total number of samples.

TYPE: int

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, n_samples: int):
    """Construct a heuristic for the given number of samples.

        n_samples: Number of samples for the stratified sampler to generate,
            **per index**. If the sampler uses
            [NoIndexIteration][pydvl.valuation.samplers.NoIndexIteration], then this
            will coincide with the total number of samples.
    self.n_samples = n_samples

sample_sizes cached

    n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[int_] | NDArray[float_]

Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to n_indices inclusive.

This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.


A naive implementation with e.g.

m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
        for k in range(n)]
would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute remainders correctly.


number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is typically len(dataset) - 1 with the usual index iterations.

TYPE: int


Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If False, the raw floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for RandomSizeIteration where one needs frequencies. In this case n_samples can be 1.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True

Returns: The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if quantize is True. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_sizes(
    self, n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[np.int_] | NDArray[np.float_]:
    """Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to
    `n_indices` inclusive.

    This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts
    so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders
    in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.

    ??? Note
        A naive implementation with e.g.
        m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
                for k in range(n)]
        would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute
        remainders correctly.

        n_indices: number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is
            typically `len(dataset) - 1` with the usual index iterations.
        quantize: Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If `False`, the raw
            floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for
            where one needs frequencies. In this case `n_samples` can
            be 1.
        The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if
        `quantize` is `True`. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

    # m_k = m * f(k) / sum_j f(j)
    values = np.empty(n_indices + 1, dtype=float)
    s = 0.0

    for k in range(n_indices + 1):
        val =, k)
        values[k] = val
        s += val

    values *= self.n_samples / s
    if not quantize:
        return values

    # Round down and distribute remainder by adjusting the largest fractional parts
    int_values: NDArray[np.int_] = np.floor(values).astype(np.int_)
    remainder = self.n_samples - np.sum(int_values)
    fractional_parts = values - int_values
    fractional_parts_indices = np.argsort(-fractional_parts)[:remainder]
    int_values[fractional_parts_indices] += 1
    return int_values


PowerLawSampleSize(n_samples: int, exponent: float)

Bases: SampleSizeStrategy

Heuristic choice of samples per set size for VRDS.

Sets the number of sets at size \(k\) to be

\[m_k = m \frac{f(k)}{\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} f(j)},\]

for a total number of samples \(m\) and:

\[f(k) = (1+k)^a, \]

and some exponent \(a.\) With \(a=1\) one recovers the HarmonicSampleSize heuristic.


Total number of samples to generate per index.

TYPE: int


The exponent to use. Recommended values are between -1 and -0.5.

TYPE: float

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, n_samples: int, exponent: float):
    self.exponent = exponent

sample_sizes cached

    n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[int_] | NDArray[float_]

Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to n_indices inclusive.

This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.


A naive implementation with e.g.

m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
        for k in range(n)]
would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute remainders correctly.


number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is typically len(dataset) - 1 with the usual index iterations.

TYPE: int


Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If False, the raw floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for RandomSizeIteration where one needs frequencies. In this case n_samples can be 1.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True

Returns: The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if quantize is True. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_sizes(
    self, n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[np.int_] | NDArray[np.float_]:
    """Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to
    `n_indices` inclusive.

    This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts
    so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders
    in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.

    ??? Note
        A naive implementation with e.g.
        m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
                for k in range(n)]
        would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute
        remainders correctly.

        n_indices: number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is
            typically `len(dataset) - 1` with the usual index iterations.
        quantize: Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If `False`, the raw
            floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for
            where one needs frequencies. In this case `n_samples` can
            be 1.
        The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if
        `quantize` is `True`. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

    # m_k = m * f(k) / sum_j f(j)
    values = np.empty(n_indices + 1, dtype=float)
    s = 0.0

    for k in range(n_indices + 1):
        val =, k)
        values[k] = val
        s += val

    values *= self.n_samples / s
    if not quantize:
        return values

    # Round down and distribute remainder by adjusting the largest fractional parts
    int_values: NDArray[np.int_] = np.floor(values).astype(np.int_)
    remainder = self.n_samples - np.sum(int_values)
    fractional_parts = values - int_values
    fractional_parts_indices = np.argsort(-fractional_parts)[:remainder]
    int_values[fractional_parts_indices] += 1
    return int_values


SampleSizeIteration(strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int)

Bases: ABC

Given a strategy and the number of indices, yield tuples (k, count) that the sampler loop will use. Args: strategy: The strategy to use for computing the number of samples to take. n_indices: The number of indices in the index set from which samples are taken.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int):
    self.strategy = strategy
    self.n_indices = n_indices


DeterministicSizeIteration(strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int)

Bases: SampleSizeIteration

Generates exactly \(m_k\) samples for each set size \(k\) before moving to the next.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int):
    self.strategy = strategy
    self.n_indices = n_indices


    strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int, seed: Seed | None = None

Bases: SampleSizeIteration

Draws a set size \(k\) following the distribution of sizes given by the strategy.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    self, strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int, seed: Seed | None = None
    super().__init__(strategy, n_indices)
    self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)


RoundRobinIteration(strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int)

Bases: SampleSizeIteration

Generates one sample for each set size \(k\) before moving to the next.

This continues yielding until every size \(k\) has been emitted exactly \(m_k\) times. For example, if strategy.sample_sizes() == [2, 3, 1] then we want the sequence: (0,1), (1,1), (2,1), (0,1), (1,1), (1,1)

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int):
    self.strategy = strategy
    self.n_indices = n_indices


    sample_sizes: SampleSizeStrategy,
    sample_sizes_iteration: Type[
    ] = DeterministicSizeIteration,
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,

Bases: StochasticSamplerMixin, PowersetSampler

A sampler stratified by coalition size with variable number of samples per set size.

Variance Reduced Stratified Sampler (VRDS)

Stratified sampling was introduced at least as early as Maleki et al. (2014)3. Wu et al. 20232, introduced heuristics adequate for ML tasks.

Choosing the number of samples per set size

The idea of VRDS is to allow per-set-size configuration of the total number of samples in order to reduce the variance coming from the marginal utility evaluations.

It is known (Wu et al. (2023), Theorem 4.2) that a minimum variance estimator of Shapley values samples a number \(m_k\) of sets of size \(k\) based on the variance of the marginal utility at that set size. However, this quantity is unknown in practice, so the authors propose a simple heuristic. This function (sample_sizes in the arguments) is deterministic, and in particular does not depend on run-time variance estimates, as an adaptive method might do. Section 4 of Wu et al. (2023) shows a good default choice is based on the harmonic function of the set size \(k\) (see HarmonicSampleSize).


An object which returns the number of samples to take for a given set size. If index_iteration below is finite, then the sampler will generate exactly as many samples of each size as returned by this object. If the iteration is infinite, then the sample_sizes will be used as probabilities of sampling.

TYPE: SampleSizeStrategy


How to loop over sample sizes. The main modes are: * deterministically. For every k generate m_k samples before moving to k+1. * stochastically. Sample sizes k according to the distribution given by sample_sizes. * round-robin. Iterate over k, and generate 1 sample each time, until reaching m_k. But more can be created by subclassing SampleSizeIteration.

TYPE: Type[SampleSizeIteration] DEFAULT: DeterministicSizeIteration


The number of samples to generate per batch. Batches are processed together by each subprocess when working in parallel.



the strategy to use for iterating over indices to update. Note that anything other than returning index exactly once will break the weight computation.

TYPE: Type[IndexIteration] DEFAULT: FiniteSequentialIndexIteration


The seed for the random number generator.

TYPE: Seed | None DEFAULT: None

New in version 0.10.0

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    sample_sizes: SampleSizeStrategy,
    sample_sizes_iteration: Type[SampleSizeIteration] = DeterministicSizeIteration,
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,
        batch_size=batch_size, index_iteration=index_iteration, seed=seed
    self.sample_sizes_strategy = sample_sizes
    self.sample_sizes_iteration = sample_sizes_iteration

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

The probability of sampling a set of size k is 1/(n choose k) times the probability of choosing size k, which is the number of samples for that size divided by the total number of samples for all sizes:

\[P(S) = \binom{n}{k}^{-1} \ \frac{m_k}{m},\]

where \(m_k\) is the number of samples of size \(k\) and \(m\) is the total number of samples.


Size of the index set.

TYPE: int


Size of the subset.

TYPE: int

Returns: The logarithm of the probability of having sampled a set of size subset_len.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    r"""The probability of sampling a set of size k is 1/(n choose k) times the
    probability of choosing size k, which is the number of samples for that size
    divided by the total number of samples for all sizes:

    $$P(S) = \binom{n}{k}^{-1} \ \frac{m_k}{m},$$

    where $m_k$ is the number of samples of size $k$ and $m$ is the total number
    of samples.

        n: Size of the index set.
        subset_len: Size of the subset.
        The logarithm of the probability of having sampled a set of size `subset_len`.

    n = self._index_iterator_cls.complement_size(n)
    # Depending on whether we sample from complements or not, the total number of
    # samples passed to the heuristic has a different interpretation.
    index_iteration_length = self._index_iterator_cls.length(n)  # type: ignore
    if index_iteration_length is None:
        index_iteration_length = 1
    index_iteration_length = max(1, index_iteration_length)

    # Note that we can simplify the quotient
    # $$ \frac{m_k}{m} =
    #    \frac{m \frac{f (k)}{\sum_j f (j)}}{m} = \frac{f(k)}{\sum_j f (j)} $$
    # so that in the weight computation we can use the function $f$ directly from
    # the strategy, or equivalently, call `sample_sizes(n, quantize=False)`.
    # This is useful for the stochastic iteration, where we have frequencies
    # and m is possibly 1, so that quantization would yield a bunch of zeros.
    funs = self.sample_sizes_strategy.sample_sizes(n, quantize=False)
    total = np.sum(funs)

    return float(
        -logcomb(n, subset_len)
        + np.log(index_iteration_length)
        + np.log(funs[subset_len])
        - np.log(total)