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This module provides the base implementation for powerset samplers.

These samplers operate in two loops:

  1. Outer iteration over all indices. This is configurable with subclasses of IndexIteration. At each step we fix an index \(i \in N\).
  2. Inner iteration over subsets of \(N_{-i}\). This step can return one or more subsets, sampled in different ways: uniformly, with varying probabilities, in tuples of complementary sets, etc.

This scheme follows the usual definition of semi-values as:

\[ v_\text{semi}(i) = \sum_{i=1}^n w(k) \sum_{S \subset D_{-i}^{(k)}} [U(S_{+i})-U(S)], \]

see semivalues for reference.


  1. Mitchell, Rory, Joshua Cooper, Eibe Frank, and Geoffrey Holmes. Sampling Permutations for Shapley Value Estimation. Journal of Machine Learning Research 23, no. 43 (2022): 1–46. 

  2. Maleki, Sasan, Long Tran-Thanh, Greg Hines, Talal Rahwan, and Alex Rogers. Bounding the Estimation Error of Sampling-Based Shapley Value Approximation. arXiv:1306.4265 [Cs], 12 February 2014. 


IndexIteration(indices: IndexSetT)

Bases: ABC

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: IndexSetT):
    self._indices = indices

length abstractmethod staticmethod

length(n_indices: int) -> int | None

Returns the length of the iteration over the index set


The number of indices in the set.

TYPE: int

int | None

The length of the iteration. It can be: - a non-negative integer, if the iteration is finite - None if the iteration never ends.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def length(n_indices: int) -> int | None:
    """Returns the length of the iteration over the index set

        n_indices: The number of indices in the set.

        The length of the iteration. It can be:
            - a non-negative integer, if the iteration is finite
            - `None` if the iteration never ends.

complement_size abstractmethod staticmethod

complement_size(n: int) -> int

Returns the size of complements of sets of size n, with respect to the indices returned by the iteration.

If the iteration returns single indices, then this is n-1, if it returns no indices, then it is n. If it returned tuples, then n-2, etc.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def complement_size(n: int) -> int:
    """Returns the size of complements of sets of size n, with respect to the
    indices returned by the iteration.

    If the iteration returns single indices, then this is n-1, if it returns no
    indices, then it is n. If it returned tuples, then n-2, etc.


SequentialIndexIteration(indices: IndexSetT)

Bases: InfiniteIterationMixin, IndexIteration

Samples indices sequentially, indefinitely.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: IndexSetT):
    self._indices = indices


FiniteSequentialIndexIteration(indices: IndexSetT)

Bases: FiniteIterationMixin, SequentialIndexIteration

Samples indices sequentially, once.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: IndexSetT):
    self._indices = indices


RandomIndexIteration(indices: NDArray[IndexT], seed: Seed)

Bases: InfiniteIterationMixin, StochasticSamplerMixin, IndexIteration

Samples indices at random, indefinitely

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: NDArray[IndexT], seed: Seed):
    super().__init__(indices, seed=seed)


FiniteRandomIndexIteration(indices: NDArray[IndexT], seed: Seed)

Bases: FiniteIterationMixin, RandomIndexIteration

Samples indices at random, once

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: NDArray[IndexT], seed: Seed):
    super().__init__(indices, seed=seed)


NoIndexIteration(indices: IndexSetT)

Bases: InfiniteIterationMixin, IndexIteration

An infinite iteration over no indices.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: IndexSetT):
    self._indices = indices


FiniteNoIndexIteration(indices: IndexSetT)

Bases: FiniteIterationMixin, NoIndexIteration

A finite iteration over no indices. The iterator will yield None once and then stop.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: IndexSetT):
    self._indices = indices

length staticmethod

length(n_indices: int) -> int | None

Returns 1, as the iteration yields exactly one item (None)

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def length(n_indices: int) -> int | None:
    """Returns 1, as the iteration yields exactly one item (None)"""
    return 1


    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = SequentialIndexIteration,

Bases: IndexSampler, ABC

An abstract class for samplers which iterate over the powerset of the complement of an index in the training set.

This is done in two nested loops, where the outer loop iterates over the set of indices, and the inner loop iterates over subsets of the complement of the current index. The outer iteration can be either sequential or at random.

    processed together by
index_iteration: the strategy to use for iterating over indices to update
Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = SequentialIndexIteration,
        batch_size: The number of samples to generate per batch. Batches are
            processed together by
        index_iteration: the strategy to use for iterating over indices to update
    self._index_iterator_cls = index_iteration
    self._index_iterator: IndexIteration | None = None

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:

sample_limit abstractmethod

sample_limit(indices: IndexSetT) -> int | None

Number of samples that can be generated from the indices.


The indices used in the sampler.

TYPE: IndexSetT

int | None

The maximum number of samples that will be generated, or None if the number of samples is infinite. This will depend, among other things, on the type of IndexIteration.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_limit(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> int | None:
    """Number of samples that can be generated from the indices.

        indices: The indices used in the sampler.

        The maximum number of samples that will be generated, or  `None` if the
            number of samples is infinite. This will depend, among other things,
            on the type of [IndexIteration][pydvl.valuation.samplers.IndexIteration].


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx

generate abstractmethod

generate(indices: IndexSetT) -> SampleGenerator

Generates samples over the powerset of indices

Each PowersetSampler defines its own way to generate the subsets by implementing this method. The outer loop is handled by the index_iterator. Batching is handled by the generate_batches method.


The set from which to generate samples.

TYPE: IndexSetT

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> SampleGenerator:
    """Generates samples over the powerset of `indices`

    Each `PowersetSampler` defines its own way to generate the subsets by
    implementing this method. The outer loop is handled by the `index_iterator`.
    Batching is handled by the `generate_batches` method.

        indices: The set from which to generate samples.


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    """Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of
    the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the
    powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset."""
    m = self._index_iterator_cls.complement_size(n)
    return float(-m * np.log(2))


    sampler: SamplerT,
    utility: UtilityBase,
    log_coefficient: Callable[[int, int], float] | None = None,

Bases: Generic[PowersetSamplerT], EvaluationStrategy[PowersetSamplerT, ValueUpdate]

The standard strategy for evaluating the utility of subsets of a set.

This strategy computes the marginal value of each subset of the complement of an index in the training set. The marginal value is the difference between the utility of the subset and the utility of the subset with the index added back in.

It is the standard strategy for the direct implementation of semi-values, when sampling is done over the powerset of the complement of an index.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    sampler: SamplerT,
    utility: UtilityBase,
    log_coefficient: Callable[[int, int], float] | None = None,
    self.utility = utility
    # Used by the decorator suppress_warnings:
    self.show_warnings = getattr(utility, "show_warnings", False)
    self.n_indices = (
        len(utility.training_data) if utility.training_data is not None else 0

    if log_coefficient is not None:

        def correction_fun(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
            return log_coefficient(n, subset_len) - sampler.log_weight(
                n, subset_len

        self.log_correction = correction_fun
        self.log_correction = lambda n, subset_len: 0.0


    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,

Bases: PowersetSampler

Leave-One-Out sampler.

In this special case of a powerset sampler, for every index \(i\) in the set \(S\), the sample \((i, S_{-i})\) is returned.


The number of samples to generate per batch. Batches are processed together by each subprocess when working in parallel.



the strategy to use for iterating over indices to update. By default, a finite sequential index iteration is used, which is what LOOValuation expects.

TYPE: Type[IndexIteration] DEFAULT: FiniteSequentialIndexIteration


The seed for the random number generator used in case the index iteration is random.

TYPE: Seed | None DEFAULT: None

New in version 0.10.0

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,
    super().__init__(batch_size, index_iteration)
    if not self._index_iterator_cls.is_proper():
        raise ValueError("LOO samplers require a proper index iteration strategy")
    self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

This sampler returns only sets of size n-1. There are n such sets, so the probability of drawing one is 1/n, or 0 if subset_len != n-1.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    """This sampler returns only sets of size n-1. There are n such sets, so the
    probability of drawing one is 1/n, or 0 if subset_len != n-1."""
    return float(-np.log(n if subset_len == n - 1 else 0))


    sampler: LOOSampler,
    utility: UtilityBase,
    coefficient: Callable[[int, int], float] | None = None,

Bases: PowersetEvaluationStrategy[LOOSampler]

Computes marginal values for LOO.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    sampler: LOOSampler,
    utility: UtilityBase,
    coefficient: Callable[[int, int], float] | None = None,
    super().__init__(sampler, utility, coefficient)
    assert utility.training_data is not None
    self.total_utility = utility(Sample(None, utility.training_data.indices))


    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,

Bases: PowersetSampler

An iterator to perform uniform deterministic sampling of subsets.

For every index \(i\), each subset of the complement indices - {i} is returned.


The number of samples to generate per batch. Batches are processed together by each subprocess when working in parallel.



the strategy to use for iterating over indices to update. This iteration can be either finite or infinite.

TYPE: Type[IndexIteration] DEFAULT: FiniteSequentialIndexIteration


The code:

from pydvl.valuation.samplers import DeterministicUniformSampler
import numpy as np
sampler = DeterministicUniformSampler()
for idx, s in sampler.generate_batches(np.arange(2)):
    print(f"{idx} - {s}", end=", ")

Should produce the output:

1 - [], 1 - [2], 2 - [], 2 - [1],
Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    super().__init__(batch_size=batch_size, index_iteration=index_iteration)

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    """Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of
    the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the
    powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset."""
    m = self._index_iterator_cls.complement_size(n)
    return float(-m * np.log(2))


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx


    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = SequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,

Bases: StochasticSamplerMixin, PowersetSampler

Draws random samples uniformly from the powerset of the index set.

Iterating over every index \(i\), either in sequence or at random depending on the value of index_iteration, one subset of the complement indices - {i} is sampled with equal probability \(2^{n-1}\).


The number of samples to generate per batch. Batches are processed together by each subprocess when working in parallel.



the strategy to use for iterating over indices to update. This iteration can be either finite or infinite.

TYPE: Type[IndexIteration] DEFAULT: SequentialIndexIteration


The seed for the random number generator.

TYPE: Seed | None DEFAULT: None


The code

for idx, s in UniformSampler(np.arange(3)):
   print(f"{idx} - {s}", end=", ")
Produces the output:
0 - [1 4], 1 - [2 3], 2 - [0 1 3], 3 - [], 4 - [2], 0 - [1 3 4], 1 - [0 2]

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = SequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,
        batch_size=batch_size, index_iteration=index_iteration, seed=seed

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    """Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of
    the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the
    powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset."""
    m = self._index_iterator_cls.complement_size(n)
    return float(-m * np.log(2))


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx


AntitheticSampler(*args, seed: Seed | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: StochasticSamplerMixin, PowersetSampler

A sampler that draws samples uniformly and their complements.

Works as UniformSampler, but for every tuple \((i,S)\), it subsequently returns \((i,S^c)\), where \(S^c\) is the complement of the set \(S\) in the set of indices, excluding \(i\).

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, *args, seed: Seed | None = None, **kwargs):
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    """Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of
    the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the
    powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset."""
    m = self._index_iterator_cls.complement_size(n)
    return float(-m * np.log(2))


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx