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Samplers iterate over subsets of indices.

The classes in this module are used to iterate over indices, and subsets of their complement in the whole set, as required for the computation of marginal utilities for semi-values and other marginal-utility based methods.

These samplers are used by all game-theoretic valuation methods, as well as for LOO and any other marginal-contribution-based method which iterates over subsets of the training data, and because of intertwining of these algorithms with the sampling, there are several strategies to choose when constructing them.

Index iteration

Subclasses of IndexSampler are iterators over batches of Samples. These are typically of the form \((i, S)\), where \(i\) is an index of interest, and \(S \subset I \setminus \{i\}\) is a subset of the complement of \(i.\)

This type of iteration over indices \(i\) and their complements is configured upon construction of the sampler with the classes SequentialIndexIteration, RandomIndexIteration, or their finite counterparts, when each index must be visited just once (albeit possibly generating many samples per index).

However, some valuation schemes require iteration over subsets of the whole set (as opposed to iterating over complements of individual indices). For this purpose, one can use NoIndexIteration or its finite counterpart.

Sampler evaluation

Different samplers imply different strategies for processing samples, i.e. for evaluating the utility of the subsets. For instance permutation samplers generate increasing subsets of permutations, allowing semi-value calculations to benefit an incremental evaluation of the utility that reuses the previous computation.

This behaviour is communicated to the valuation method through the EvaluationStrategy class. The basic usage pattern inside a valuation method is the following (see below for info on the updater):

    def fit(self, data: Dataset):


        strategy = self.sampler.make_strategy(self.utility, self.log_coefficient)
        processor = delayed(strategy.process)
        updater = self.sampler.result_updater(self.result)

        delayed_batches = Parallel()(
            processor(batch=list(batch), is_interrupted=flag) for batch in self.sampler
        for batch in delayed_batches:
            for evaluation in batch:
                self.result = updater(evaluation)

Updating the result

Yet another behaviour that depends on the sampling scheme is the way that results are updated. For instance, the MSRSampler requires tracking updates to two sequences of samples which are then merged in a specific way. This strategy is declared by the sampler through the factory method result_updater(), which returns a callable that updates the result with a single evaluation.

Creating custom samplers

To create a custom sampler, subclass either PowersetSampler or PermutationSamplerBase, or implement the IndexSampler interface directly.

There are three main methods to implement (and others that can be overridden):

  • generate(), which yields samples of the form \((i, S)\). These will be batched together by __iter__ for parallel processing. Note that, if the index set has size \(N\), for PermutationSampler, a batch size of \(B\) implies \(O(B*N)\) evaluations of the utility in one process, since single permutations are always processed in one go.
  • log_weight() to provide a factor by which to multiply Monte Carlo samples in stochastic methods, so that the mean converges to the desired expression. This will typically be the logarithm of the inverse probability of sampling a given subset.
  • make_strategy() to create an evaluation strategy that processes the samples. This is typically a subclass of EvaluationStrategy that computes utilities and weights them with coefficients and sampler weights. One can also use any of the predefined strategies, like the successive marginal evaluations of PowersetEvaluationStrategy or the successive evaluations of PermutationEvaluationStrategy

Finally, if the sampler requires a dedicated result updater, you must override result_updater() to return a callable that updates a ValuationResult with one evaluation ValueUpdate. This is used e.g. for the MSRSampler which uses two running means for positive and negative updates.

Changed in version 0.10.0

All the samplers in this module have been changed to work with the new evaluation strategies.


  1. Mitchell, Rory, Joshua Cooper, Eibe Frank, and Geoffrey Holmes. Sampling Permutations for Shapley Value Estimation. Journal of Machine Learning Research 23, no. 43 (2022): 1–46. 

  2. Watson, Lauren, Zeno Kujawa, Rayna Andreeva, Hao-Tsung Yang, Tariq Elahi, and Rik Sarkar. Accelerated Shapley Value Approximation for Data Evaluation. arXiv, 9 November 2023. 


ResultUpdater(result: ValuationResult)

Bases: Protocol[ValueUpdateT]

Protocol for result updaters.

A result updater is a strategy to update a valuation result with a value update.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, result: ValuationResult): ...


IndexSampler(batch_size: int = 1)

Bases: ABC, Generic[ValueUpdateT]

Samplers are custom iterables over batches of subsets of indices.

Calling from_indices(indexset) on a sampler returns a generator over batches of Samples. A Sample is a tuple of the form \((i, S)\), where \(i\) is an index of interest, and \(S \subset I \setminus \{i\}\) is a subset of the complement of \(i\) in \(I\).


Samplers are not iterators themselves, so that each call to from_indices(data) e.g. in a new for loop creates a new iterator.

Derived samplers must implement log_weight() and generate(). See the module's documentation for more on these.

Interrupting samplers

Calling interrupt() on a sampler will stop the batched generator after the current batch has been yielded.


The number of samples to generate per batch. Batches are processed by EvaluationStrategy so that individual valuations in batch are guaranteed to be received in the right sequence.


>>>from pydvl.valuation.samplers import DeterministicUniformSampler
>>>import numpy as np
>>>sampler = DeterministicUniformSampler()
>>>for idx, s in sampler.generate_batches(np.arange(2)):
>>>    print(s, end="")
    processed by the
Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, batch_size: int = 1):
        batch_size: The number of samples to generate per batch. Batches are
            processed by the
    self._batch_size = batch_size
    self._n_samples = 0
    self._interrupted = False
    self._skip_indices = np.empty(0, dtype=bool)
    self._len: int | None = None

skip_indices property writable

skip_indices: IndexSetT

Indices being skipped in the sampler. The exact behaviour will be sampler-dependent, so that setting this property is disabled by default.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:

sample_limit abstractmethod

sample_limit(indices: IndexSetT) -> int | None

Number of samples that can be generated from the indices.


The indices used in the sampler.

TYPE: IndexSetT

int | None

The maximum number of samples that will be generated, or None if the number of samples is infinite. This will depend, among other things, on the type of IndexIteration.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_limit(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> int | None:
    """Number of samples that can be generated from the indices.

        indices: The indices used in the sampler.

        The maximum number of samples that will be generated, or  `None` if the
            number of samples is infinite. This will depend, among other things,
            on the type of [IndexIteration][pydvl.valuation.samplers.IndexIteration].

generate abstractmethod

generate(indices: IndexSetT) -> SampleGenerator

Generates single samples.

IndexSampler.generate_batches() will batch these samples according to the batch size set upon construction.


TYPE: IndexSetT


A tuple (idx, subset) for each sample.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> SampleGenerator:
    """Generates single samples.

    `IndexSampler.generate_batches()` will batch these samples according to the
    batch size set upon construction.


        A tuple (idx, subset) for each sample.

log_weight abstractmethod

log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

Factor by which to multiply Monte Carlo samples, so that the mean converges to the desired expression.

Log-space computation

Because the weight is a probability that can be arbitrarily small, we compute it in log-space for numerical stability.

By the Law of Large Numbers, the sample mean of \(f(S_j)\) converges to the expectation under the distribution from which \(S_j\) is sampled.

\[ \begin{eqnarray} \frac{1}{m} \sum_{j = 1}^m f (S_j) w (S_j) & \longrightarrow & \underset{S \sim \mathcal{D}_{- i}}{\mathbb{E}} [f (S) w (S)] \\ & & = \sum_{S \subseteq N_{- i}} f (S) w (S) \mathbb{P}_{\mathcal{D}_{- i}} (S) \end{eqnarray}. \]

We add the factor \(w(S_j)\) in order to have this expectation coincide with the desired expression, by cancelling out \(\mathbb{P} (S)\).


The size of the index set. Note that the actual size of the set being sampled will often be n-1, as one index might be removed from the set. See IndexIteration for more.

TYPE: int


The size of the subset being sampled

TYPE: int


The natural logarithm of the probability of sampling a set of the given size, when the index set has size n, under the IndexIteration given upon construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    r"""Factor by which to multiply Monte Carlo samples, so that the
    mean converges to the desired expression.

    !!! Info "Log-space computation"
        Because the weight is a probability that can be arbitrarily small, we
        compute it in log-space for numerical stability.

    By the Law of Large Numbers, the sample mean of $f(S_j)$ converges to the
    expectation under the distribution from which $S_j$ is sampled.

        \frac{1}{m} \sum_{j = 1}^m f (S_j) w (S_j) & \longrightarrow &
            \underset{S \sim \mathcal{D}_{- i}}{\mathbb{E}} [f (S) w (S)] \\
        &  & = \sum_{S \subseteq N_{- i}} f (S) w (S)
            \mathbb{P}_{\mathcal{D}_{- i}} (S)

    We add the factor $w(S_j)$ in order to have this expectation coincide with the
    desired expression, by cancelling out $\mathbb{P} (S)$.

        n: The size of the index set. Note that the actual size of the set being
            sampled will often be n-1, as one index might be removed from the set.
            See [IndexIteration][pydvl.valuation.samplers.IndexIteration] for more.
        subset_len: The size of the subset being sampled

        The natural logarithm of the probability of sampling a set of the given
            size, when the index set has size `n`, under the
            [IndexIteration][pydvl.valuation.samplers.IndexIteration] given upon

make_strategy abstractmethod

    utility: UtilityBase,
    log_coefficient: Callable[[int, int], float] | None = None,
) -> EvaluationStrategy

Returns the strategy for this sampler.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def make_strategy(
    utility: UtilityBase,
    log_coefficient: Callable[[int, int], float] | None = None,
) -> EvaluationStrategy:
    """Returns the strategy for this sampler."""
    ...  # return SomeLogEvaluationStrategy(self)


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


    sampler: SamplerT,
    utility: UtilityBase,
    log_coefficient: Callable[[int, int], float] | None = None,

Bases: ABC, Generic[SamplerT, ValueUpdateT]

An evaluation strategy for samplers.

Implements the processing strategy for batches returned by an IndexSampler.

Different sampling schemes require different strategies for the evaluation of the utilities. For instance permutations generated by PermutationSampler must be evaluated in sequence to save computation, see PermutationEvaluationStrategy.

This class defines the common interface.

Usage pattern in valuation methods
    def fit(self, data: Dataset):
        self.utility = self.utility.with_dataset(data)
        strategy = self.sampler.strategy(self.utility, self.log_coefficient)
        delayed_batches = Parallel()(
            delayed(strategy.process)(batch=list(batch), is_interrupted=flag)
            for batch in self.sampler
        for batch in delayed_batches:
            for evaluation in batch:
                self.result.update(evaluation.idx, evaluation.update)
            if self.is_done(self.result):

Required to set up some strategies.

TYPE: SamplerT


Required to set up some strategies and to process the samples. Since this contains the training data, it is expensive to pickle and send to workers.

TYPE: UtilityBase


An additional coefficient to multiply marginals with. This depends on the valuation method, hence the delayed setup.

TYPE: Callable[[int, int], float] | None DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    sampler: SamplerT,
    utility: UtilityBase,
    log_coefficient: Callable[[int, int], float] | None = None,
    self.utility = utility
    # Used by the decorator suppress_warnings:
    self.show_warnings = getattr(utility, "show_warnings", False)
    self.n_indices = (
        len(utility.training_data) if utility.training_data is not None else 0

    if log_coefficient is not None:

        def correction_fun(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
            return log_coefficient(n, subset_len) - sampler.log_weight(
                n, subset_len

        self.log_correction = correction_fun
        self.log_correction = lambda n, subset_len: 0.0

process abstractmethod

    batch: SampleBatch, is_interrupted: NullaryPredicate
) -> list[ValueUpdateT]

Processes batches of samples using the evaluator, with the strategy required for the sampler.


This method is intended to be used by the evaluator to process the samples in one batch, which means it might be sent to another process. Be careful with the objects you use here, as they will be pickled and sent over the wire.


A batch of samples to process.

TYPE: SampleBatch


A predicate that returns True if the processing should be interrupted.

TYPE: NullaryPredicate


Updates to values as tuples (idx, update)

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def process(
    self, batch: SampleBatch, is_interrupted: NullaryPredicate
) -> list[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Processes batches of samples using the evaluator, with the strategy
    required for the sampler.

    !!! Warning
        This method is intended to be used by the evaluator to process the samples
        in one batch, which means it might be sent to another process. Be careful
        with the objects you use here, as they will be pickled and sent over the

        batch: A batch of samples to process.
        is_interrupted: A predicate that returns True if the processing should be

        Updates to values as tuples (idx, update)


    in_class: IndexSampler,
    out_of_class: PowersetSampler,
    min_elements_per_label: int = 1,
    batch_size: int = 1,

Bases: IndexSampler

A sampler that samples elements from a dataset in two steps, based on the labels.

It proceeds by sampling out-of-class indices (training points with a different label to the point of interest), and in-class indices (training points with the same label as the point of interest), in the complement.

Used by the class-wise Shapley valuation method.


Sampling scheme for elements of a given label.

TYPE: IndexSampler


Sampling scheme for elements of different labels, i.e., the complement set.

TYPE: PowersetSampler


Minimum number of elements per label to sample from the complement set, i.e., out of class elements.


Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    in_class: IndexSampler,
    out_of_class: PowersetSampler,
    min_elements_per_label: int = 1,
    batch_size: int = 1,
    self.in_class = in_class
    self.out_of_class = out_of_class
    self.min_elements_per_label = min_elements_per_label

skip_indices property writable

skip_indices: IndexSetT

Indices being skipped in the sampler. The exact behaviour will be sampler-dependent, so that setting this property is disabled by default.


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


interrupt() -> None

Interrupts the current sampler as well as the passed in samplers

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self) -> None:
    """Interrupts the current sampler as well as the passed in samplers"""


MSRSampler(batch_size: int = 1, seed: Seed | None = None)

Bases: StochasticSamplerMixin, IndexSampler[MSRValueUpdate]

Sampler for unweighted Maximum Sample Re-use (MSR) valuation.

The sampling is similar to a UniformSampler but without an outer index. However,the MSR sampler uses a special evaluation strategy and result updater, as returned by the make_strategy() and result_updater() methods, respectively.

Two running means are updated separately for positive and negative updates. The two running means are later combined into a final result.


Number of samples to generate in each batch.



Seed for the random number generator.

TYPE: Seed | None DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, batch_size: int = 1, seed: Seed | None = None):
    super().__init__(batch_size=batch_size, seed=seed)

skip_indices property writable

skip_indices: IndexSetT

Indices being skipped in the sampler. The exact behaviour will be sampler-dependent, so that setting this property is disabled by default.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

Probability of sampling a set of size k.

In the MSR scheme, the sampling is done from the full power set \(2^N\) (each set \(S \subseteq N\) with probability \(1 / 2^n\)), and then for each data point \(i\) one partitions the sample into:

* $\mathcal{S}_{\ni i} = \{S \in \mathcal{S}: i \in S\},$ and
* $\mathcal{S}_{\nni i} = \{S \in \mathcal{S}: i \nin S\}.$.

When we condition on the event \(i \in S\), the remaining part \(S_{- i}\) is uniformly distributed over \(2^{N_{- i}}\). In other words, the act of partitioning recovers the uniform distribution on \(2^{N_{- i}}\) "for free" because

\[P (S_{- i} = T \mid i \in S) = \frac{1}{2^{n - 1}},\]

for each \(T \subseteq N_{- i}\).


Size of the index set.

TYPE: int


Size of the subset.

TYPE: int


The logarithm of the probability of having sampled a set of size subset_len.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    r"""Probability of sampling a set of size k.

    In the **MSR scheme**, the sampling is done from the full power set $2^N$ (each
    set $S \subseteq N$ with probability $1 / 2^n$), and then for each data point
    $i$ one partitions the sample into:

        * $\mathcal{S}_{\ni i} = \{S \in \mathcal{S}: i \in S\},$ and
        * $\mathcal{S}_{\nni i} = \{S \in \mathcal{S}: i \nin S\}.$.

    When we condition on the event $i \in S$, the remaining part $S_{- i}$ is
    uniformly distributed over $2^{N_{- i}}$. In other words, the act of
    partitioning recovers the uniform distribution on $2^{N_{- i}}$ "for free"

    $$P (S_{- i} = T \mid i \in S) = \frac{1}{2^{n - 1}},$$

    for each $T \subseteq N_{- i}$.

        n: Size of the index set.
        subset_len: Size of the subset.

        The logarithm of the probability of having sampled a set of size
    return float(-(n - 1) * np.log(2)) if n > 0 else 0.0


    utility: UtilityBase, coefficient: Callable[[int, int], float] | None = None
) -> MSREvaluationStrategy

Returns the strategy for this sampler.


Utility function to evaluate.

TYPE: UtilityBase


Coefficient function for the utility function.

TYPE: Callable[[int, int], float] | None DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def make_strategy(
    utility: UtilityBase,
    coefficient: Callable[[int, int], float] | None = None,
) -> MSREvaluationStrategy:
    """Returns the strategy for this sampler.

        utility: Utility function to evaluate.
        coefficient: Coefficient function for the utility function.
    assert coefficient is not None
    return MSREvaluationStrategy(self, utility, coefficient)


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with an MSR value update.

MSR updates two running means for positive and negative updates separately. The two running means are later combined into a final result.


The valuation result to update with each call of the returned callable.

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the valuation result with very MSRValueUpdate.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with an MSR value update.

    MSR updates two running means for positive and negative updates separately. The
    two running means are later combined into a final result.

        result: The valuation result to update with each call of the returned
        A callable object that updates the valuation result with very
    return MSRResultUpdater(result)


OwenStrategy(n_samples_outer: int)

Bases: ABC

Base class for strategies for the Owen sampler to sample probability values.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, n_samples_outer: int):
    self.n_samples_outer = n_samples_outer


UniformOwenStrategy(n_samples_outer: int, seed: Seed | None = None)

Bases: OwenStrategy

A strategy for OwenSampler to sample probability values uniformly between 0 and \(q_ ext{stop}\).


The number of probability values \(q\) used for the outer loop. Since samples are taken anew for each index, a high number will delay updating new indices and has no effect on the final accuracy if using an infinite index iteration. In general, it only makes sense to change this number if using a finite index iteration.

TYPE: int


The seed for the random number generator.

TYPE: Seed | None DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, n_samples_outer: int, seed: Seed | None = None):
    self.rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)


GridOwenStrategy(n_samples_outer: int)

Bases: OwenStrategy

A strategy for OwenSampler to sample probability values on a linear grid.


The number of probability values \(q\) used for the outer loop. These will be linearly spaced between 0 and \(q_ ext{stop}\).

TYPE: int

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, n_samples_outer: int):


    outer_sampling_strategy: OwenStrategy,
    n_samples_inner: int = 2,
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,

Bases: StochasticSamplerMixin, PowersetSampler

A sampler for semi-values using the Owen method.

For each index \(i\) we sample n_samples_outer probability values \(q_j\) between 0 and 1 and then, for each \(j\) we draw n_samples_inner subsets of the complement of the current index where each element is sampled probability \(q_j\).

The distribution for the outer sampling can be either uniform or deterministic. The default is deterministic on a grid, which is the original method described in Okhrati and Lipani (2021)1. This can be achieved by using the GridOwenStrategy strategy.

Alternatively, the distribution can be uniform between 0 and 1. This can be achieved by using the UniformOwenStrategy strategy.

By combining a UniformOwenStrategy with an infinite IndexIteration strategy, this sampler can be used with a stopping criterion to estimate semi-values. This follows more closely the typical usage pattern in PyDVL than the original sampling method described in Okhrati and Lipani (2021)1.

Example usage
sampler = OwenSampler(

The number of samples drawn for each probability. In the original paper this was fixed to 2 for all experiments.



The batch size of the sampler.



The index iteration strategy, sequential or random, finite or infinite.

TYPE: Type[IndexIteration] DEFAULT: FiniteSequentialIndexIteration


The seed for the random number generator.

TYPE: Seed | None DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    outer_sampling_strategy: OwenStrategy,
    n_samples_inner: int = 2,
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,
        batch_size=batch_size, index_iteration=index_iteration, seed=seed
    self.n_samples_inner = n_samples_inner
    self.sampling_probabilities = outer_sampling_strategy
    self.q_stop = 1.0

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

For each \(q_j, j \in \{1, ..., N\}\) in the outer probabilities, the probability of drawing a subset \(S_k\) of size \(k\) is:

\[ P (| S_{q_j} | = k) = \binom{n}{k} \ q_j^k (1 - q_j)^{n - k}.\]

So, if each \(q_j\) is chosen with equal weight (or more generally with probability \(p_j\)),then by total probability, the overall probability of obtaining a subset of size \(k\) is a mixture of the binomials: $$ P (| S | = k) = \sum_{j = 1}^N p_j \ \binom{n}{k} \ q_j^k (1 - q_j)^{n - k}. $$

In our case \(p_j = 1/N\), so that \(P(|S|=k) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{j=1}^N P (| S_{q_j} | = k)\). For large enough \(N\) this is

\[ P(|S|=k) \approx \binom{n}{k} \int_0^1 q^k (1 - q)^{n - k} \, dq = \frac{1}{ n+1}, \]

where we computed the integral using the beta function and its expression as products of gamma functions.

Now, given the symmetry wrt. the indices in the sampling procedure, any given set \(S\) of size \(k\) is equally likely to be drawn. So the probability of a set being of size \(k\) must be equally divided by the number of sets of that size, and the weight of a set of size \(k\) is:

\[ P(S) = \frac{1}{n+1} \binom{n}{|S|}^{-1}. \]

Size of the index set.

TYPE: int


Size of the subset.

TYPE: int

Returns: The logarithm of the weight of a subset of size subset_len.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    r"""For each $q_j, j \in \{1, ..., N\}$ in the outer probabilities, the
    probability of drawing a subset $S_k$ of size $k$ is:

    $$ P (| S_{q_j} | = k) = \binom{n}{k} \  q_j^k  (1 - q_j)^{n - k}.$$

    So, if each $q_j$ is chosen with equal weight (or more generally with
    probability $p_j$),then by total probability, the overall probability of
    obtaining a subset of size $k$ is a mixture of the binomials:
    P (| S | = k) = \sum_{j = 1}^N p_j \ \binom{n}{k} \ q_j^k  (1 - q_j)^{n - k}.

    In our case $p_j = 1/N$, so that $P(|S|=k) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{j=1}^N P (|
    S_{q_j} | = k)$. For large enough $N$ this is

    P(|S|=k) \approx \binom{n}{k} \int_0^1 q^k (1 - q)^{n - k} \, dq = \frac{1}{

    where we computed the integral using the beta function and its expression as
    products of gamma functions.

    Now, given the symmetry wrt. the indices in the sampling procedure, any given
    set $S$ of size $k$ is equally likely to be drawn. So the probability of a set
    being of size $k$ must be equally divided by the number of sets of that size,
    and the weight of a set of size $k$ is:

    $$ P(S) = \frac{1}{n+1} \binom{n}{|S|}^{-1}. $$

        n: Size of the index set.
        subset_len: Size of the subset.
        The logarithm of the weight of a subset of size `subset_len`.
    m = self._index_iterator_cls.complement_size(n)
    return float(-logcomb(m, subset_len) - np.log(m + 1))


sample_limit(indices: IndexSetT) -> int | None

The number of samples that will be generated by the sampler.


TYPE: IndexSetT

int | None

0 if there are no indices, None if there's no limit and the number of

int | None

samples otherwise.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_limit(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> int | None:
    """The number of samples that will be generated by the sampler.


        0 if there are no indices, `None` if there's no limit and the number of
        samples otherwise.
    if len(indices) == 0:
        return 0
    if not self._index_iterator_cls.is_finite():
        return None

    return (
        cast(int, self._index_iterator_cls.length(len(indices)))
        * self.sampling_probabilities.n_samples_outer
        * self.n_samples_inner


    outer_sampling_strategy: OwenStrategy,
    n_samples_inner: int = 2,
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,

Bases: OwenSampler

A sampler for antithetic Owen shapley values.

For each sample obtained with the method of OwenSampler, a second sample is generated by taking the complement of the first sample.

For the same number of total samples, the antithetic Owen sampler yields usually more precise estimates of shapley values than the regular Owen sampler.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    outer_sampling_strategy: OwenStrategy,
    n_samples_inner: int = 2,
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,
    self.q_stop = 0.5

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

For each \(q_j, j \in \{1, ..., N\}\) in the outer probabilities, the probability of drawing a subset \(S_k\) of size \(k\) is:

\[ P (| S_{q_j} | = k) = \binom{n}{k} \ q_j^k (1 - q_j)^{n - k}.\]

So, if each \(q_j\) is chosen with equal weight (or more generally with probability \(p_j\)),then by total probability, the overall probability of obtaining a subset of size \(k\) is a mixture of the binomials: $$ P (| S | = k) = \sum_{j = 1}^N p_j \ \binom{n}{k} \ q_j^k (1 - q_j)^{n - k}. $$

In our case \(p_j = 1/N\), so that \(P(|S|=k) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{j=1}^N P (| S_{q_j} | = k)\). For large enough \(N\) this is

\[ P(|S|=k) \approx \binom{n}{k} \int_0^1 q^k (1 - q)^{n - k} \, dq = \frac{1}{ n+1}, \]

where we computed the integral using the beta function and its expression as products of gamma functions.

Now, given the symmetry wrt. the indices in the sampling procedure, any given set \(S\) of size \(k\) is equally likely to be drawn. So the probability of a set being of size \(k\) must be equally divided by the number of sets of that size, and the weight of a set of size \(k\) is:

\[ P(S) = \frac{1}{n+1} \binom{n}{|S|}^{-1}. \]

Size of the index set.

TYPE: int


Size of the subset.

TYPE: int

Returns: The logarithm of the weight of a subset of size subset_len.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    r"""For each $q_j, j \in \{1, ..., N\}$ in the outer probabilities, the
    probability of drawing a subset $S_k$ of size $k$ is:

    $$ P (| S_{q_j} | = k) = \binom{n}{k} \  q_j^k  (1 - q_j)^{n - k}.$$

    So, if each $q_j$ is chosen with equal weight (or more generally with
    probability $p_j$),then by total probability, the overall probability of
    obtaining a subset of size $k$ is a mixture of the binomials:
    P (| S | = k) = \sum_{j = 1}^N p_j \ \binom{n}{k} \ q_j^k  (1 - q_j)^{n - k}.

    In our case $p_j = 1/N$, so that $P(|S|=k) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{j=1}^N P (|
    S_{q_j} | = k)$. For large enough $N$ this is

    P(|S|=k) \approx \binom{n}{k} \int_0^1 q^k (1 - q)^{n - k} \, dq = \frac{1}{

    where we computed the integral using the beta function and its expression as
    products of gamma functions.

    Now, given the symmetry wrt. the indices in the sampling procedure, any given
    set $S$ of size $k$ is equally likely to be drawn. So the probability of a set
    being of size $k$ must be equally divided by the number of sets of that size,
    and the weight of a set of size $k$ is:

    $$ P(S) = \frac{1}{n+1} \binom{n}{|S|}^{-1}. $$

        n: Size of the index set.
        subset_len: Size of the subset.
        The logarithm of the weight of a subset of size `subset_len`.
    m = self._index_iterator_cls.complement_size(n)
    return float(-logcomb(m, subset_len) - np.log(m + 1))


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx


    truncation: TruncationPolicy | None = None,
    seed: Seed | None = None,
    batch_size: int = 1,

Bases: StochasticSamplerMixin, PermutationSamplerBase

Samples permutations of indices.


Even though this sampler supports batching, it is not recommended to use it since the PermutationEvaluationStrategy processes whole permutations in one go, effectively batching the computation of up to n-1 marginal utilities in one process.


A policy to stop the permutation early.

TYPE: TruncationPolicy | None DEFAULT: None


Seed for the random number generator.

TYPE: Seed | None DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    truncation: TruncationPolicy | None = None,
    seed: Seed | None = None,
    batch_size: int = 1,
    super().__init__(seed=seed, truncation=truncation, batch_size=batch_size)



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


generate(indices: IndexSetT) -> SampleGenerator

Generates the permutation samples.


The indices to sample from. If empty, no samples are generated. If skip_indices is set, these indices are removed from the set before generating the permutation.

TYPE: IndexSetT

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> SampleGenerator:
    """Generates the permutation samples.

        indices: The indices to sample from. If empty, no samples are generated. If
            is set, these indices are removed from the set before generating the
    if len(indices) == 0:
    while True:
        _indices = np.setdiff1d(indices, self.skip_indices)
        yield Sample(None, self._rng.permutation(_indices))


    truncation: TruncationPolicy | None = None,
    seed: Seed | None = None,
    batch_size: int = 1,

Bases: PermutationSampler

Samples permutations like PermutationSampler, but after each permutation, it returns the same permutation in reverse order.

This sampler was suggested in (Mitchell et al. 2022)1

New in version 0.7.1

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    truncation: TruncationPolicy | None = None,
    seed: Seed | None = None,
    batch_size: int = 1,
    super().__init__(seed=seed, truncation=truncation, batch_size=batch_size)



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


    truncation: TruncationPolicy | None = None,
    batch_size: int = 1,

Bases: PermutationSamplerBase

Samples all n! permutations of the indices deterministically, and iterates through them, returning sets as required for the permutation-based definition of semi-values.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    truncation: TruncationPolicy | None = None,
    batch_size: int = 1,
    self.truncation = truncation or NoTruncation()

skip_indices property writable

skip_indices: IndexSetT

Indices being skipped in the sampler. The exact behaviour will be sampler-dependent, so that setting this property is disabled by default.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


    sampler: PermutationSamplerBase,
    utility: UtilityBase,
    coefficient: Callable[[int, int], float] | None = None,

Bases: EvaluationStrategy[PermutationSamplerBase, ValueUpdate]

Computes marginal values for permutation sampling schemes in log-space.

This strategy iterates over permutations from left to right, computing the marginal utility wrt. the previous one at each step to save computation.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    sampler: PermutationSamplerBase,
    utility: UtilityBase,
    coefficient: Callable[[int, int], float] | None = None,
    super().__init__(sampler, utility, coefficient)
    self.truncation = copy(sampler.truncation)
    self.truncation.reset(utility)  # Perform initial setup (e.g. total_utility)


IndexIteration(indices: IndexSetT)

Bases: ABC

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: IndexSetT):
    self._indices = indices

length abstractmethod staticmethod

length(n_indices: int) -> int | None

Returns the length of the iteration over the index set


The number of indices in the set.

TYPE: int

int | None

The length of the iteration. It can be: - a non-negative integer, if the iteration is finite - None if the iteration never ends.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def length(n_indices: int) -> int | None:
    """Returns the length of the iteration over the index set

        n_indices: The number of indices in the set.

        The length of the iteration. It can be:
            - a non-negative integer, if the iteration is finite
            - `None` if the iteration never ends.

complement_size abstractmethod staticmethod

complement_size(n: int) -> int

Returns the size of complements of sets of size n, with respect to the indices returned by the iteration.

If the iteration returns single indices, then this is n-1, if it returns no indices, then it is n. If it returned tuples, then n-2, etc.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def complement_size(n: int) -> int:
    """Returns the size of complements of sets of size n, with respect to the
    indices returned by the iteration.

    If the iteration returns single indices, then this is n-1, if it returns no
    indices, then it is n. If it returned tuples, then n-2, etc.


SequentialIndexIteration(indices: IndexSetT)

Bases: InfiniteIterationMixin, IndexIteration

Samples indices sequentially, indefinitely.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: IndexSetT):
    self._indices = indices


FiniteSequentialIndexIteration(indices: IndexSetT)

Bases: FiniteIterationMixin, SequentialIndexIteration

Samples indices sequentially, once.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: IndexSetT):
    self._indices = indices


RandomIndexIteration(indices: NDArray[IndexT], seed: Seed)

Bases: InfiniteIterationMixin, StochasticSamplerMixin, IndexIteration

Samples indices at random, indefinitely

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: NDArray[IndexT], seed: Seed):
    super().__init__(indices, seed=seed)


FiniteRandomIndexIteration(indices: NDArray[IndexT], seed: Seed)

Bases: FiniteIterationMixin, RandomIndexIteration

Samples indices at random, once

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: NDArray[IndexT], seed: Seed):
    super().__init__(indices, seed=seed)


NoIndexIteration(indices: IndexSetT)

Bases: InfiniteIterationMixin, IndexIteration

An infinite iteration over no indices.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: IndexSetT):
    self._indices = indices


FiniteNoIndexIteration(indices: IndexSetT)

Bases: FiniteIterationMixin, NoIndexIteration

A finite iteration over no indices. The iterator will yield None once and then stop.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, indices: IndexSetT):
    self._indices = indices

length staticmethod

length(n_indices: int) -> int | None

Returns 1, as the iteration yields exactly one item (None)

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def length(n_indices: int) -> int | None:
    """Returns 1, as the iteration yields exactly one item (None)"""
    return 1


    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = SequentialIndexIteration,

Bases: IndexSampler, ABC

An abstract class for samplers which iterate over the powerset of the complement of an index in the training set.

This is done in two nested loops, where the outer loop iterates over the set of indices, and the inner loop iterates over subsets of the complement of the current index. The outer iteration can be either sequential or at random.

    processed together by
index_iteration: the strategy to use for iterating over indices to update
Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = SequentialIndexIteration,
        batch_size: The number of samples to generate per batch. Batches are
            processed together by
        index_iteration: the strategy to use for iterating over indices to update
    self._index_iterator_cls = index_iteration
    self._index_iterator: IndexIteration | None = None

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:

sample_limit abstractmethod

sample_limit(indices: IndexSetT) -> int | None

Number of samples that can be generated from the indices.


The indices used in the sampler.

TYPE: IndexSetT

int | None

The maximum number of samples that will be generated, or None if the number of samples is infinite. This will depend, among other things, on the type of IndexIteration.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_limit(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> int | None:
    """Number of samples that can be generated from the indices.

        indices: The indices used in the sampler.

        The maximum number of samples that will be generated, or  `None` if the
            number of samples is infinite. This will depend, among other things,
            on the type of [IndexIteration][pydvl.valuation.samplers.IndexIteration].


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx

generate abstractmethod

generate(indices: IndexSetT) -> SampleGenerator

Generates samples over the powerset of indices

Each PowersetSampler defines its own way to generate the subsets by implementing this method. The outer loop is handled by the index_iterator. Batching is handled by the generate_batches method.


The set from which to generate samples.

TYPE: IndexSetT

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> SampleGenerator:
    """Generates samples over the powerset of `indices`

    Each `PowersetSampler` defines its own way to generate the subsets by
    implementing this method. The outer loop is handled by the `index_iterator`.
    Batching is handled by the `generate_batches` method.

        indices: The set from which to generate samples.


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    """Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of
    the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the
    powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset."""
    m = self._index_iterator_cls.complement_size(n)
    return float(-m * np.log(2))


    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,

Bases: PowersetSampler

Leave-One-Out sampler.

In this special case of a powerset sampler, for every index \(i\) in the set \(S\), the sample \((i, S_{-i})\) is returned.


The number of samples to generate per batch. Batches are processed together by each subprocess when working in parallel.



the strategy to use for iterating over indices to update. By default, a finite sequential index iteration is used, which is what LOOValuation expects.

TYPE: Type[IndexIteration] DEFAULT: FiniteSequentialIndexIteration


The seed for the random number generator used in case the index iteration is random.

TYPE: Seed | None DEFAULT: None

New in version 0.10.0

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,
    super().__init__(batch_size, index_iteration)
    if not self._index_iterator_cls.is_proper():
        raise ValueError("LOO samplers require a proper index iteration strategy")
    self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

This sampler returns only sets of size n-1. There are n such sets, so the probability of drawing one is 1/n, or 0 if subset_len != n-1.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    """This sampler returns only sets of size n-1. There are n such sets, so the
    probability of drawing one is 1/n, or 0 if subset_len != n-1."""
    return float(-np.log(n if subset_len == n - 1 else 0))


    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,

Bases: PowersetSampler

An iterator to perform uniform deterministic sampling of subsets.

For every index \(i\), each subset of the complement indices - {i} is returned.


The number of samples to generate per batch. Batches are processed together by each subprocess when working in parallel.



the strategy to use for iterating over indices to update. This iteration can be either finite or infinite.

TYPE: Type[IndexIteration] DEFAULT: FiniteSequentialIndexIteration


The code:

from pydvl.valuation.samplers import DeterministicUniformSampler
import numpy as np
sampler = DeterministicUniformSampler()
for idx, s in sampler.generate_batches(np.arange(2)):
    print(f"{idx} - {s}", end=", ")

Should produce the output:

1 - [], 1 - [2], 2 - [], 2 - [1],
Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    super().__init__(batch_size=batch_size, index_iteration=index_iteration)

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    """Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of
    the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the
    powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset."""
    m = self._index_iterator_cls.complement_size(n)
    return float(-m * np.log(2))


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx


    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = SequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,

Bases: StochasticSamplerMixin, PowersetSampler

Draws random samples uniformly from the powerset of the index set.

Iterating over every index \(i\), either in sequence or at random depending on the value of index_iteration, one subset of the complement indices - {i} is sampled with equal probability \(2^{n-1}\).


The number of samples to generate per batch. Batches are processed together by each subprocess when working in parallel.



the strategy to use for iterating over indices to update. This iteration can be either finite or infinite.

TYPE: Type[IndexIteration] DEFAULT: SequentialIndexIteration


The seed for the random number generator.

TYPE: Seed | None DEFAULT: None


The code

for idx, s in UniformSampler(np.arange(3)):
   print(f"{idx} - {s}", end=", ")
Produces the output:
0 - [1 4], 1 - [2 3], 2 - [0 1 3], 3 - [], 4 - [2], 0 - [1 3 4], 1 - [0 2]

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = SequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,
        batch_size=batch_size, index_iteration=index_iteration, seed=seed

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    """Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of
    the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the
    powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset."""
    m = self._index_iterator_cls.complement_size(n)
    return float(-m * np.log(2))


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx


AntitheticSampler(*args, seed: Seed | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: StochasticSamplerMixin, PowersetSampler

A sampler that draws samples uniformly and their complements.

Works as UniformSampler, but for every tuple \((i,S)\), it subsequently returns \((i,S^c)\), where \(S^c\) is the complement of the set \(S\) in the set of indices, excluding \(i\).

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, *args, seed: Seed | None = None, **kwargs):
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    """Correction coming from Monte Carlo integration so that the mean of
    the marginals converges to the value: the uniform distribution over the
    powerset of a set with n-1 elements has mass 1/2^{n-1} over each subset."""
    m = self._index_iterator_cls.complement_size(n)
    return float(-m * np.log(2))


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx


SampleSizeStrategy(n_samples: int)

Bases: ABC

An object to compute the number of samples to take for a given set size. Based on Wu et al. (2023)1, Theorem 4.2.

To be used with StratifiedSampler.

Sets the number of sets at size \(k\) to be

\[m(k) = m \frac{f(k)}{\sum_{j=0}^{n} f(j)},\]

for some choice of \(f.\) Implementations of this base class must override the method fun(). It is provided both the size \(k\) and the total number of indices \(n\) as arguments.


Number of samples for the stratified sampler to generate, per index. If the sampler uses NoIndexIteration, then this will coincide with the total number of samples.

TYPE: int

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, n_samples: int):
    """Construct a heuristic for the given number of samples.

        n_samples: Number of samples for the stratified sampler to generate,
            **per index**. If the sampler uses
            [NoIndexIteration][pydvl.valuation.samplers.NoIndexIteration], then this
            will coincide with the total number of samples.
    self.n_samples = n_samples

fun abstractmethod

fun(n_indices: int, subset_len: int) -> float

The function \(f\) to use in the heuristic. Args: n_indices: Size of the index set. subset_len: Size of the subset.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def fun(self, n_indices: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    """The function $f$ to use in the heuristic.
        n_indices: Size of the index set.
        subset_len: Size of the subset.

sample_sizes cached

    n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[int_] | NDArray[float_]

Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to n_indices inclusive.

This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.


A naive implementation with e.g.

m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
        for k in range(n)]
would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute remainders correctly.


number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is typically len(dataset) - 1 with the usual index iterations.

TYPE: int


Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If False, the raw floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for RandomSizeIteration where one needs frequencies. In this case n_samples can be 1.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True

Returns: The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if quantize is True. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_sizes(
    self, n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[np.int_] | NDArray[np.float_]:
    """Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to
    `n_indices` inclusive.

    This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts
    so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders
    in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.

    ??? Note
        A naive implementation with e.g.
        m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
                for k in range(n)]
        would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute
        remainders correctly.

        n_indices: number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is
            typically `len(dataset) - 1` with the usual index iterations.
        quantize: Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If `False`, the raw
            floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for
            where one needs frequencies. In this case `n_samples` can
            be 1.
        The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if
        `quantize` is `True`. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

    # m_k = m * f(k) / sum_j f(j)
    values = np.empty(n_indices + 1, dtype=float)
    s = 0.0

    for k in range(n_indices + 1):
        val =, k)
        values[k] = val
        s += val

    values *= self.n_samples / s
    if not quantize:
        return values

    # Round down and distribute remainder by adjusting the largest fractional parts
    int_values: NDArray[np.int_] = np.floor(values).astype(np.int_)
    remainder = self.n_samples - np.sum(int_values)
    fractional_parts = values - int_values
    fractional_parts_indices = np.argsort(-fractional_parts)[:remainder]
    int_values[fractional_parts_indices] += 1
    return int_values


    n_samples: int, lower_bound: int = 0, upper_bound: int | None = None

Bases: SampleSizeStrategy

Use a constant number of samples for each set size between two (optional) bounds. The total number of samples (per index) is respected.


Total number of samples to generate per index.

TYPE: int


Lower bound for the set size. If the set size is smaller than this, the probability of sampling is 0.



Upper bound for the set size. If the set size is larger than this, the probability of sampling is 0. If None, the upper bound is set to the number of indices.

TYPE: int | None DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    n_samples: int,
    lower_bound: int = 0,
    upper_bound: int | None = None,
    self.lower_bound = lower_bound
    self.upper_bound = upper_bound

sample_sizes cached

    n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[int_] | NDArray[float_]

Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to n_indices inclusive.

This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.


A naive implementation with e.g.

m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
        for k in range(n)]
would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute remainders correctly.


number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is typically len(dataset) - 1 with the usual index iterations.

TYPE: int


Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If False, the raw floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for RandomSizeIteration where one needs frequencies. In this case n_samples can be 1.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True

Returns: The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if quantize is True. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_sizes(
    self, n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[np.int_] | NDArray[np.float_]:
    """Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to
    `n_indices` inclusive.

    This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts
    so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders
    in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.

    ??? Note
        A naive implementation with e.g.
        m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
                for k in range(n)]
        would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute
        remainders correctly.

        n_indices: number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is
            typically `len(dataset) - 1` with the usual index iterations.
        quantize: Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If `False`, the raw
            floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for
            where one needs frequencies. In this case `n_samples` can
            be 1.
        The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if
        `quantize` is `True`. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

    # m_k = m * f(k) / sum_j f(j)
    values = np.empty(n_indices + 1, dtype=float)
    s = 0.0

    for k in range(n_indices + 1):
        val =, k)
        values[k] = val
        s += val

    values *= self.n_samples / s
    if not quantize:
        return values

    # Round down and distribute remainder by adjusting the largest fractional parts
    int_values: NDArray[np.int_] = np.floor(values).astype(np.int_)
    remainder = self.n_samples - np.sum(int_values)
    fractional_parts = values - int_values
    fractional_parts_indices = np.argsort(-fractional_parts)[:remainder]
    int_values[fractional_parts_indices] += 1
    return int_values


GroupTestingSampleSize(n_samples: int = 1)

Bases: SampleSizeStrategy

Heuristic choice of samples per set size used for Group Testing.

GroupTestingShapleyValuation uses this strategy for the stratified sampling of samples with which to construct the linear problem it requires.

This heuristic sets the number of sets at size \(k\) to be

\[m_k = m \frac{f(k)}{\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} f(j)},\]

for a total number of samples \(m\) and:

\[ f(k) = \frac{1}{k} + \frac{1}{n-k}, \text{for} k \in \{1, n-1\}. \]

For GT Shapley, \(m=1\) and \(m_k\) is interpreted as a probability of sampling size \(k.\)

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, n_samples: int = 1):

sample_sizes cached

    n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[int_] | NDArray[float_]

Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to n_indices inclusive.

This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.


A naive implementation with e.g.

m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
        for k in range(n)]
would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute remainders correctly.


number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is typically len(dataset) - 1 with the usual index iterations.

TYPE: int


Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If False, the raw floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for RandomSizeIteration where one needs frequencies. In this case n_samples can be 1.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True

Returns: The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if quantize is True. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_sizes(
    self, n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[np.int_] | NDArray[np.float_]:
    """Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to
    `n_indices` inclusive.

    This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts
    so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders
    in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.

    ??? Note
        A naive implementation with e.g.
        m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
                for k in range(n)]
        would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute
        remainders correctly.

        n_indices: number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is
            typically `len(dataset) - 1` with the usual index iterations.
        quantize: Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If `False`, the raw
            floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for
            where one needs frequencies. In this case `n_samples` can
            be 1.
        The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if
        `quantize` is `True`. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

    # m_k = m * f(k) / sum_j f(j)
    values = np.empty(n_indices + 1, dtype=float)
    s = 0.0

    for k in range(n_indices + 1):
        val =, k)
        values[k] = val
        s += val

    values *= self.n_samples / s
    if not quantize:
        return values

    # Round down and distribute remainder by adjusting the largest fractional parts
    int_values: NDArray[np.int_] = np.floor(values).astype(np.int_)
    remainder = self.n_samples - np.sum(int_values)
    fractional_parts = values - int_values
    fractional_parts_indices = np.argsort(-fractional_parts)[:remainder]
    int_values[fractional_parts_indices] += 1
    return int_values


HarmonicSampleSize(n_samples: int)

Bases: SampleSizeStrategy

Heuristic choice of samples per set size for VRDS.

Sets the number of sets at size \(k\) to be

\[m_k = m \frac{f(k)}{\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} f(j)},\]

for a total number of samples \(m\) and:

\[f(k) = \frac{1}{1+k}.\]

Number of samples for the stratified sampler to generate, per index. If the sampler uses NoIndexIteration, then this will coincide with the total number of samples.

TYPE: int

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, n_samples: int):
    """Construct a heuristic for the given number of samples.

        n_samples: Number of samples for the stratified sampler to generate,
            **per index**. If the sampler uses
            [NoIndexIteration][pydvl.valuation.samplers.NoIndexIteration], then this
            will coincide with the total number of samples.
    self.n_samples = n_samples

sample_sizes cached

    n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[int_] | NDArray[float_]

Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to n_indices inclusive.

This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.


A naive implementation with e.g.

m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
        for k in range(n)]
would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute remainders correctly.


number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is typically len(dataset) - 1 with the usual index iterations.

TYPE: int


Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If False, the raw floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for RandomSizeIteration where one needs frequencies. In this case n_samples can be 1.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True

Returns: The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if quantize is True. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_sizes(
    self, n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[np.int_] | NDArray[np.float_]:
    """Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to
    `n_indices` inclusive.

    This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts
    so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders
    in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.

    ??? Note
        A naive implementation with e.g.
        m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
                for k in range(n)]
        would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute
        remainders correctly.

        n_indices: number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is
            typically `len(dataset) - 1` with the usual index iterations.
        quantize: Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If `False`, the raw
            floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for
            where one needs frequencies. In this case `n_samples` can
            be 1.
        The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if
        `quantize` is `True`. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

    # m_k = m * f(k) / sum_j f(j)
    values = np.empty(n_indices + 1, dtype=float)
    s = 0.0

    for k in range(n_indices + 1):
        val =, k)
        values[k] = val
        s += val

    values *= self.n_samples / s
    if not quantize:
        return values

    # Round down and distribute remainder by adjusting the largest fractional parts
    int_values: NDArray[np.int_] = np.floor(values).astype(np.int_)
    remainder = self.n_samples - np.sum(int_values)
    fractional_parts = values - int_values
    fractional_parts_indices = np.argsort(-fractional_parts)[:remainder]
    int_values[fractional_parts_indices] += 1
    return int_values


PowerLawSampleSize(n_samples: int, exponent: float)

Bases: SampleSizeStrategy

Heuristic choice of samples per set size for VRDS.

Sets the number of sets at size \(k\) to be

\[m_k = m \frac{f(k)}{\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} f(j)},\]

for a total number of samples \(m\) and:

\[f(k) = (1+k)^a, \]

and some exponent \(a.\) With \(a=1\) one recovers the HarmonicSampleSize heuristic.


Total number of samples to generate per index.

TYPE: int


The exponent to use. Recommended values are between -1 and -0.5.

TYPE: float

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, n_samples: int, exponent: float):
    self.exponent = exponent

sample_sizes cached

    n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[int_] | NDArray[float_]

Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to n_indices inclusive.

This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.


A naive implementation with e.g.

m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
        for k in range(n)]
would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute remainders correctly.


number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is typically len(dataset) - 1 with the usual index iterations.

TYPE: int


Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If False, the raw floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for RandomSizeIteration where one needs frequencies. In this case n_samples can be 1.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True

Returns: The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if quantize is True. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def sample_sizes(
    self, n_indices: int, quantize: bool = True
) -> NDArray[np.int_] | NDArray[np.float_]:
    """Precomputes the number of samples to take for each set size, from 0 up to
    `n_indices` inclusive.

    This method corrects rounding errors taking into account the fractional parts
    so that the total number of samples is respected, while allocating remainders
    in a way that follows the relative sizes of the fractional parts.

    ??? Note
        A naive implementation with e.g.
        m_k = [max(1, int(round(m * f(k)/sum(f(j) for j in range(n)), 0)))
                for k in range(n)]
        would not respect the total number of samples, and would not distribute
        remainders correctly.

        n_indices: number of indices in the index set from which to sample. This is
            typically `len(dataset) - 1` with the usual index iterations.
        quantize: Whether to perform the remainder distribution. If `False`, the raw
            floating point values are returned. Useful e.g. for
            where one needs frequencies. In this case `n_samples` can
            be 1.
        The exact (integer) number of samples to take for each set size, if
        `quantize` is `True`. Otherwise, the fractional number of samples.

    # m_k = m * f(k) / sum_j f(j)
    values = np.empty(n_indices + 1, dtype=float)
    s = 0.0

    for k in range(n_indices + 1):
        val =, k)
        values[k] = val
        s += val

    values *= self.n_samples / s
    if not quantize:
        return values

    # Round down and distribute remainder by adjusting the largest fractional parts
    int_values: NDArray[np.int_] = np.floor(values).astype(np.int_)
    remainder = self.n_samples - np.sum(int_values)
    fractional_parts = values - int_values
    fractional_parts_indices = np.argsort(-fractional_parts)[:remainder]
    int_values[fractional_parts_indices] += 1
    return int_values


SampleSizeIteration(strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int)

Bases: ABC

Given a strategy and the number of indices, yield tuples (k, count) that the sampler loop will use. Args: strategy: The strategy to use for computing the number of samples to take. n_indices: The number of indices in the index set from which samples are taken.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int):
    self.strategy = strategy
    self.n_indices = n_indices


DeterministicSizeIteration(strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int)

Bases: SampleSizeIteration

Generates exactly \(m_k\) samples for each set size \(k\) before moving to the next.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int):
    self.strategy = strategy
    self.n_indices = n_indices


    strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int, seed: Seed | None = None

Bases: SampleSizeIteration

Draws a set size \(k\) following the distribution of sizes given by the strategy.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    self, strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int, seed: Seed | None = None
    super().__init__(strategy, n_indices)
    self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)


RoundRobinIteration(strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int)

Bases: SampleSizeIteration

Generates one sample for each set size \(k\) before moving to the next.

This continues yielding until every size \(k\) has been emitted exactly \(m_k\) times. For example, if strategy.sample_sizes() == [2, 3, 1] then we want the sequence: (0,1), (1,1), (2,1), (0,1), (1,1), (1,1)

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, strategy: SampleSizeStrategy, n_indices: int):
    self.strategy = strategy
    self.n_indices = n_indices


    sample_sizes: SampleSizeStrategy,
    sample_sizes_iteration: Type[
    ] = DeterministicSizeIteration,
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,

Bases: StochasticSamplerMixin, PowersetSampler

A sampler stratified by coalition size with variable number of samples per set size.

Variance Reduced Stratified Sampler (VRDS)

Stratified sampling was introduced at least as early as Maleki et al. (2014)3. Wu et al. 20232, introduced heuristics adequate for ML tasks.

Choosing the number of samples per set size

The idea of VRDS is to allow per-set-size configuration of the total number of samples in order to reduce the variance coming from the marginal utility evaluations.

It is known (Wu et al. (2023), Theorem 4.2) that a minimum variance estimator of Shapley values samples a number \(m_k\) of sets of size \(k\) based on the variance of the marginal utility at that set size. However, this quantity is unknown in practice, so the authors propose a simple heuristic. This function (sample_sizes in the arguments) is deterministic, and in particular does not depend on run-time variance estimates, as an adaptive method might do. Section 4 of Wu et al. (2023) shows a good default choice is based on the harmonic function of the set size \(k\) (see HarmonicSampleSize).


An object which returns the number of samples to take for a given set size. If index_iteration below is finite, then the sampler will generate exactly as many samples of each size as returned by this object. If the iteration is infinite, then the sample_sizes will be used as probabilities of sampling.

TYPE: SampleSizeStrategy


How to loop over sample sizes. The main modes are: * deterministically. For every k generate m_k samples before moving to k+1. * stochastically. Sample sizes k according to the distribution given by sample_sizes. * round-robin. Iterate over k, and generate 1 sample each time, until reaching m_k. But more can be created by subclassing SampleSizeIteration.

TYPE: Type[SampleSizeIteration] DEFAULT: DeterministicSizeIteration


The number of samples to generate per batch. Batches are processed together by each subprocess when working in parallel.



the strategy to use for iterating over indices to update. Note that anything other than returning index exactly once will break the weight computation.

TYPE: Type[IndexIteration] DEFAULT: FiniteSequentialIndexIteration


The seed for the random number generator.

TYPE: Seed | None DEFAULT: None

New in version 0.10.0

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(
    sample_sizes: SampleSizeStrategy,
    sample_sizes_iteration: Type[SampleSizeIteration] = DeterministicSizeIteration,
    batch_size: int = 1,
    index_iteration: Type[IndexIteration] = FiniteSequentialIndexIteration,
    seed: Seed | None = None,
        batch_size=batch_size, index_iteration=index_iteration, seed=seed
    self.sample_sizes_strategy = sample_sizes
    self.sample_sizes_iteration = sample_sizes_iteration

skip_indices property writable


Set of indices to skip in the outer loop.



Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def interrupt(self):
    """Signals the sampler to stop generating samples after the current batch."""
    self._interrupted = True


__len__() -> int

Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.


if the sampler is infinite or generate_batches has not been called yet.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Returns the length of the current sample generation in generate_batches.

        `TypeError`: if the sampler is infinite or
            has not been called yet.
    if self._len is None:
        raise TypeError(f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has no length")
    return self._len


generate_batches(indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator

Batches the samples and yields them.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def generate_batches(self, indices: IndexSetT) -> BatchGenerator:
    """Batches the samples and yields them."""
    self._len = self.sample_limit(indices)

    # Create an empty generator if the indices are empty: `return` acts like a
    # `break`, and produces an empty generator.
    if len(indices) == 0:

    self._interrupted = False
    self._n_samples = 0
    for batch in chunked(self.generate(indices), self.batch_size):
        self._n_samples += len(batch)
        yield batch
        if self._interrupted:


result_updater(result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]

Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running 1st and 2nd moments.


The result to update

TYPE: ValuationResult

Returns: A callable object that updates the result with a value update

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def result_updater(self, result: ValuationResult) -> ResultUpdater[ValueUpdateT]:
    """Returns a callable that updates a valuation result with a value update.

    Because we use log-space computation for numerical stability, the default result
    updater keeps track of several quantities required to maintain accurate running
    1st and 2nd moments.

        result: The result to update
        A callable object that updates the result with a value update
    return LogResultUpdater(result)


index_iterator(indices: IndexSetT) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]

Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def index_iterator(
    self, indices: IndexSetT
) -> Generator[IndexT | None, None, None]:
    """Iterates over indices with the method specified at construction."""
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices, seed=self._rng)  # type: ignore
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        self._index_iterator = self._index_iterator_cls(indices)
    for idx in self._index_iterator:
        if idx not in self.skip_indices:
            yield idx


log_weight(n: int, subset_len: int) -> float

The probability of sampling a set of size k is 1/(n choose k) times the probability of choosing size k, which is the number of samples for that size divided by the total number of samples for all sizes:

\[P(S) = \binom{n}{k}^{-1} \ \frac{m_k}{m},\]

where \(m_k\) is the number of samples of size \(k\) and \(m\) is the total number of samples.


Size of the index set.

TYPE: int


Size of the subset.

TYPE: int

Returns: The logarithm of the probability of having sampled a set of size subset_len.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def log_weight(self, n: int, subset_len: int) -> float:
    r"""The probability of sampling a set of size k is 1/(n choose k) times the
    probability of choosing size k, which is the number of samples for that size
    divided by the total number of samples for all sizes:

    $$P(S) = \binom{n}{k}^{-1} \ \frac{m_k}{m},$$

    where $m_k$ is the number of samples of size $k$ and $m$ is the total number
    of samples.

        n: Size of the index set.
        subset_len: Size of the subset.
        The logarithm of the probability of having sampled a set of size `subset_len`.

    n = self._index_iterator_cls.complement_size(n)
    # Depending on whether we sample from complements or not, the total number of
    # samples passed to the heuristic has a different interpretation.
    index_iteration_length = self._index_iterator_cls.length(n)  # type: ignore
    if index_iteration_length is None:
        index_iteration_length = 1
    index_iteration_length = max(1, index_iteration_length)

    # Note that we can simplify the quotient
    # $$ \frac{m_k}{m} =
    #    \frac{m \frac{f (k)}{\sum_j f (j)}}{m} = \frac{f(k)}{\sum_j f (j)} $$
    # so that in the weight computation we can use the function $f$ directly from
    # the strategy, or equivalently, call `sample_sizes(n, quantize=False)`.
    # This is useful for the stochastic iteration, where we have frequencies
    # and m is possibly 1, so that quantization would yield a bunch of zeros.
    funs = self.sample_sizes_strategy.sample_sizes(n, quantize=False)
    total = np.sum(funs)

    return float(
        -logcomb(n, subset_len)
        + np.log(index_iteration_length)
        + np.log(funs[subset_len])
        - np.log(total)



Bases: ABC

A policy for deciding whether to stop computation of a batch of samples

Statistics are kept on the total number of calls and truncations as n_calls and n_truncations respectively.


Number of calls to the policy.

TYPE: int


Number of truncations made by the policy.

TYPE: int


Because the policy objects are copied to the workers, the statistics are not accessible from the coordinating process. We need to add methods for this.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self) -> None:
    self.n_calls: int = 0
    self.n_truncations: int = 0

reset abstractmethod

reset(utility: UtilityBase)

(Re)set the policy to a state ready for a new permutation.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def reset(self, utility: UtilityBase):
    """(Re)set the policy to a state ready for a new permutation."""


__call__(idx: IndexT, score: float, batch_size: int) -> bool

Check whether the computation should be interrupted.


Position in the batch currently being computed.

TYPE: IndexT


Last utility computed.

TYPE: float


Size of the batch being computed.

TYPE: int


True if the computation should be interrupted.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __call__(self, idx: IndexT, score: float, batch_size: int) -> bool:
    """Check whether the computation should be interrupted.

        idx: Position in the batch currently being computed.
        score: Last utility computed.
        batch_size: Size of the batch being computed.

        `True` if the computation should be interrupted.

    ret = self._check(idx, score, batch_size)
    self.n_calls += 1
    self.n_truncations += 1 if ret else 0
    return ret



Bases: TruncationPolicy

A policy which never interrupts the computation.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self) -> None:
    self.n_calls: int = 0
    self.n_truncations: int = 0


__call__(idx: IndexT, score: float, batch_size: int) -> bool

Check whether the computation should be interrupted.


Position in the batch currently being computed.

TYPE: IndexT


Last utility computed.

TYPE: float


Size of the batch being computed.

TYPE: int


True if the computation should be interrupted.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __call__(self, idx: IndexT, score: float, batch_size: int) -> bool:
    """Check whether the computation should be interrupted.

        idx: Position in the batch currently being computed.
        score: Last utility computed.
        batch_size: Size of the batch being computed.

        `True` if the computation should be interrupted.

    ret = self._check(idx, score, batch_size)
    self.n_calls += 1
    self.n_truncations += 1 if ret else 0
    return ret


FixedTruncation(fraction: float)

Bases: TruncationPolicy

Break a computation after a fixed number of updates.

The experiments in Appendix B of (Ghorbani and Zou, 2019)1 show that when the training set size is large enough, one can simply truncate the iteration over permutations after a fixed number of steps. This happens because beyond a certain number of samples in a training set, the model becomes insensitive to new ones. Alas, this strongly depends on the data distribution and the model and there is no automatic way of estimating this number.


Fraction of updates in a batch to compute before stopping (e.g. 0.5 to compute half of the marginals in a permutation).

TYPE: float

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, fraction: float):
    if fraction <= 0 or fraction > 1:
        raise ValueError("fraction must be in (0, 1]")
    self.fraction = fraction
    self.count = 0  # within-permutation count


__call__(idx: IndexT, score: float, batch_size: int) -> bool

Check whether the computation should be interrupted.


Position in the batch currently being computed.

TYPE: IndexT


Last utility computed.

TYPE: float


Size of the batch being computed.

TYPE: int


True if the computation should be interrupted.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __call__(self, idx: IndexT, score: float, batch_size: int) -> bool:
    """Check whether the computation should be interrupted.

        idx: Position in the batch currently being computed.
        score: Last utility computed.
        batch_size: Size of the batch being computed.

        `True` if the computation should be interrupted.

    ret = self._check(idx, score, batch_size)
    self.n_calls += 1
    self.n_truncations += 1 if ret else 0
    return ret


RelativeTruncation(rtol: float, burn_in_fraction: float = 0.0)

Bases: TruncationPolicy

Break a computation if the utility is close enough to the total utility.

This is called "performance tolerance" in (Ghorbani and Zou, 2019)1.


Initialization and reset() of this policy imply the computation of the total utility for the dataset, which can be expensive!


Relative tolerance. The permutation is broken if the last computed utility is within this tolerance of the total utility.

TYPE: float


Fraction of samples within a permutation to wait until actually checking.

TYPE: float DEFAULT: 0.0

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, rtol: float, burn_in_fraction: float = 0.0):
    assert 0 <= burn_in_fraction <= 1
    self.burn_in_fraction = burn_in_fraction
    self.rtol = rtol
    self.total_utility = 0.0
    self.count = 0  # within-permutation count
    self._is_setup = False


DeviationTruncation(sigmas: float, burn_in_fraction: float = 0.0)

Bases: TruncationPolicy

Break a computation if the last computed utility is close to the total utility.

This is essentially the same as RelativeTruncation, but with the tolerance determined by a multiple of the standard deviation of the utilities.


This policy can break early if the utility function has high variance. This can lead to gross underestimation of values. Use with caution.


Initialization and reset() of this policy imply the computation of the total utility for the dataset, which can be expensive!


Fraction of samples within a permutation to wait until actually checking.

TYPE: float DEFAULT: 0.0


Number of standard deviations to use as a threshold.

TYPE: float

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def __init__(self, sigmas: float, burn_in_fraction: float = 0.0):
    assert 0 <= burn_in_fraction <= 1

    self.burn_in_fraction = burn_in_fraction
    self.total_utility = 0.0
    self.count = 0  # within-permutation count
    self.variance = 0.0
    self.mean = 0.0
    self.sigmas = sigmas
    self._is_setup = False


get_unique_labels(array: NDArray) -> NDArray

Returns unique labels in a categorical dataset.


The input array to find unique labels from. It should be of categorical types such as Object, String, Unicode, Unsigned integer, Signed integer, or Boolean.



An array of unique labels.


If the input array is not of a categorical type.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/samplers/
def get_unique_labels(array: NDArray) -> NDArray:
    """Returns unique labels in a categorical dataset.

        array: The input array to find unique labels from. It should be of
               categorical types such as Object, String, Unicode, Unsigned
               integer, Signed integer, or Boolean.

        An array of unique labels.

        ValueError: If the input array is not of a categorical type.
    # Object, String, Unicode, Unsigned integer, Signed integer, boolean
    if array.dtype.kind in "OSUiub":
        return cast(NDArray, np.unique(array))
    raise ValueError(
        f"Input array has an unsupported data type for categorical labels: {array.dtype}. "
        "Expected types: Object, String, Unicode, Unsigned integer, Signed integer, or Boolean."