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This module implements the Shapley valuation method.

The (Data-)Shapley method, introduced in Ghorbani and Zou (2019)1 is a method to compute data values by sampling sets of training points and averaging the change in performance of a model by adding individual points to these sets. The average is done using the Shapley coefficients, which correspond to the sampling probabilities of the subsets used:

\[ v(i) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{S \subset D_{-i}} w(n, |S|) [U(S_{+i}) - U(S)], \]

where the coefficient \(w(n, k)\) is defined as the inverse probability of sampling a set of size \(k\) from a set of size \(n-1\) in the complement of \(\{i\}\)

\[ w(n, k) = \binom{n-1}{k}^{-1}. \]

An alternative formulation, which has better variance properties, uses permutations. The algorithm Data-Shapley described in Ghorbani and Zou (2019)1 uses this sampling technique, together with a heuristic truncation policy to stop the computation early. This is implemented in PyDVL via PermutationSampler

Computing Shapley values

Computing values in PyDVL always follows the same pattern: construct a ModelUtility, a sampler, and a stopping criterion.

General usage pattern
from pydvl.valuation import (

model = SomeSKLearnModel()
scorer = SupervisedScorer("accuracy", test_data, default=0)
utility = ModelUtility(model, scorer, ...)
sampler = PermutationSampler()
stopping = RankCorrelation(rtol=0.01)
valuation = ShapleyValuation(utility, sampler, is_done=stopping)
with parallel_config(n_jobs=16):
result = valuation.values()

Choosing samplers

Different choices of sampler yield different qualities of approximation.

The most basic one is DeterministicUniformSampler, which iterates over all possible subsets of the training set. This is the most accurate, but also the most computationally expensive method (with complexity \(O(2^n)\)), so it is never used in practice.

The most common one is PermutationSampler, which samples random permutations of the training set. Despite the apparent greater complexity of \(O(n!)\), the method is much faster to converge in practice, especially when using truncation policies to early-stop the processing of each permutation.

Other samplers introduce altogether different ways of computing Shapley values, like the Owen samplers or the Maximum-Sample-Reuse sampler, but the usage pattern remains the same.

Truncated Monte Carlo Data-Shapley

To compute Shapley values as described in Ghobani and Zou (2019)1, use this configuration:

truncation = RelativeTruncation(rtol=0.05)
sampler = PermutationSampler(truncation=truncation, seed=seed)
stopping = HistoryDeviation(n_steps=100, rtol=0.05)
valuation = ShapleyValuation(utility, sampler, stopping, skip_converged, progress)


  1. As mentioned, computing Shapley values can be computationally expensive, especially for large datasets. Some samplers yield better convergence, but not in all cases. Proper choice of a stopping criterion is crucial to obtain useful results, while avoiding unnecessary computation.
  2. While it is possible to mix-and-match different components of the valuation method, it is not always advisable, and it can sometimes be incorrect. For example, using a deterministic sampler with a count-based stopping criterion is likely to yield poor results. More importantly, not all samplers, nor sampler configurations, are compatible with Shapley value computation. For instance using NoIndexIteration with a PowersetSampler will not work since the evaluation strategy expects samples consisting of an index and a subset of its complement in the whole index set.


  1. Ghorbani, A., & Zou, J. Y. (2019). Data Shapley: Equitable Valuation of Data for Machine Learning. In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR pp. 2242--2251. 


    utility: UtilityBase,
    sampler: IndexSampler,
    is_done: StoppingCriterion,
    skip_converged: bool = False,
    show_warnings: bool = True,
    progress: dict[str, Any] | bool = False,

Bases: SemivalueValuation

Computes Shapley values.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/methods/
def __init__(
    utility: UtilityBase,
    sampler: IndexSampler,
    is_done: StoppingCriterion,
    skip_converged: bool = False,
    show_warnings: bool = True,
    progress: dict[str, Any] | bool = False,
    self.utility = utility
    self.sampler = sampler
    self.is_done = is_done
    self.skip_converged = skip_converged
    self.show_warnings = show_warnings
    self.tqdm_args: dict[str, Any] = {
        "desc": f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {str(is_done)}"
    # HACK: parse additional args for the progress bar if any (we probably want
    #  something better)
    if isinstance(progress, bool):
        self.tqdm_args.update({"disable": not progress})
    elif isinstance(progress, dict):
        raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for progress: {type(progress)}")


values(sort: bool = False) -> ValuationResult

Returns a copy of the valuation result.

The valuation must have been run with fit() before calling this method.


Whether to sort the valuation result by value before returning it.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False

Returns: The result of the valuation.

Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/
def values(self, sort: bool = False) -> ValuationResult:
    """Returns a copy of the valuation result.

    The valuation must have been run with `fit()` before calling this method.

        sort: Whether to sort the valuation result by value before returning it.
        The result of the valuation.
    if not self.is_fitted:
        raise NotFittedException(type(self))
    assert self.result is not None

    from copy import copy

    r = copy(self.result)
    if sort:
    return r