FIXME: Move this to the docs
Owen sampling schemes are a family of sampling schemes that are used to estimate Shapley values. They are based on a multilinear extension technique from game theory, and were introduced in (Okhrati and Lipani, 2021)1. The core idea is to use different probabilities of including indices into samples.
In order to compute values it is enough to use any of the Owen samplers together with a ShapleyValuation object.
Finite Owen Sampler¶
OwenSampler with a
for the outer loop and a
GridOwenStrategy for the sampling
probabilities is the most basic Owen sampler. It uses a deterministic grid of
probability values between 0 and 1 for the inner sampling. It follows the idea of
the original paper and should be instantiated with
NoStopping as stopping criterion. Note that
because the criterion never checks for convergence, the status of the valuation will
always be Status.Pending
from pydvl.valuation import OwenSampler, ShapleyValuation, NoStopping
sampler = OwenSampler(
valuation = ShapleyValuation(utility, sampler, NoStopping())
shapley_values = valuation.values()
Owen Sampler¶
OwenSampler follows the same principle as OwenSampler, but samples probability values between 0 and 1 at random indefinitely. It requires a stopping criterion to be used with the valuation method, and thus follows more closely the general pattern of the valuation methods. This makes it more adequate for actual use since it is no longer required to estimate a number of outer samples required.
Antithetic Owen Sampler¶
AntitheticOwenSampler is a variant of the OwenSampler that draws probability values \(q\) between 0 and 0.5 at random and then generates two samples for each index, one using the probability \(q\) for index draws, and another with probability \(1-q\).
Okhrati, R., Lipani, A., 2021. A Multilinear Sampling Algorithm to Estimate Shapley Values. In: 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 7992–7999. IEEE. ↩