This module implements the Banzhaf valuation method, as described in Wang and Jia, (2022)1.
Data Banzhaf was proposed as a means to counteract the inherent stochasticity of the utility function in machine learning problems. It chooses the coefficients \(w(k)\) of the semi-value valuation function to be constant:
for all set sizes \(k\). The intuition for picking a constant weight is that for any choice of weight function \(w\), one can always construct a utility with higher variance where \(w\) is greater. Therefore, in a worst-case sense, the best one can do is to pick a constant weight.
Data Banzhaf proves to outperform many other valuation methods in downstream tasks like best point removal, but can show some
Wang, Jiachen T., and Ruoxi Jia. Data Banzhaf: A Robust Data Valuation Framework for Machine Learning. In Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 6388–6421. PMLR, 2023. ↩
utility: UtilityBase,
sampler: IndexSampler,
is_done: StoppingCriterion,
skip_converged: bool = False,
show_warnings: bool = True,
progress: dict[str, Any] | bool = False,
Bases: SemivalueValuation
Computes Banzhaf values.
Source code in src/pydvl/valuation/methods/
values(sort: bool = False) -> ValuationResult
Returns a copy of the valuation result.
The valuation must have been run with fit()
before calling this method.
Whether to sort the valuation result by value before returning it.
Returns: The result of the valuation.