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This module provides a Scorer class that wraps scoring functions with additional information.

Scorers are the fundamental building block of many data valuation methods. They are typically used by the Utility class to evaluate the quality of a model when trained on subsets of the training data.

Scorers can be constructed in the same way as in scikit-learn: either from known strings or from a callable. Greater values must be better. If they are not, a negated version can be used, see scikit-learn's make_scorer().

Scorer provides additional information about the scoring function, like its range and default values, which can be used by some data valuation methods (like group_testing_shapley()) to estimate the number of samples required for a certain quality of approximation.

squashed_r2 module-attribute

squashed_r2 = compose_score(Scorer('r2'), _sigmoid, (0, 1), 'squashed r2')

A scorer that squashes the R² score into the range [0, 1] using a sigmoid.

squashed_variance module-attribute

squashed_variance = compose_score(
    (0, 1),
    "squashed explained variance",

A scorer that squashes the explained variance score into the range [0, 1] using a sigmoid.


Bases: Protocol

Signature for a scorer


    scoring: Union[str, ScorerCallable],
    default: float = nan,
    range: Tuple = (-inf, inf),
    name: Optional[str] = None,

A scoring callable that takes a model, data, and labels and returns a scalar.


Either a string or callable that can be passed to get_scorer.

TYPE: Union[str, ScorerCallable]


score to be used when a model cannot be fit, e.g. when too little data is passed, or errors arise.

TYPE: float DEFAULT: nan


numerical range of the score function. Some Monte Carlo methods can use this to estimate the number of samples required for a certain quality of approximation. If not provided, it can be read from the scoring object if it provides it, for instance if it was constructed with compose_score().

TYPE: Tuple DEFAULT: (-inf, inf)


The name of the scorer. If not provided, the name of the function passed will be used.

TYPE: Optional[str] DEFAULT: None

New in version 0.5.0

Source code in src/pydvl/utils/
def __init__(
    scoring: Union[str, ScorerCallable],
    default: float = np.nan,
    range: Tuple = (-np.inf, np.inf),
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    if name is None and isinstance(scoring, str):
        name = scoring
    self._scorer = get_scorer(scoring)
    self.default = default
    # TODO: auto-fill from known scorers ?
    self.range = np.array(range)
    self._name = getattr(self._scorer, "__name__", name or "scorer")


    scorer: Scorer,
    transformation: Callable[[float], float],
    range: Tuple[float, float],
    name: str,
) -> Scorer

Composes a scoring function with an arbitrary scalar transformation.

Useful to squash unbounded scores into ranges manageable by data valuation methods.


sigmoid = lambda x: 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
compose_score(Scorer("r2"), sigmoid, range=(0,1), name="squashed r2")

The object to be composed.

TYPE: Scorer


A scalar transformation

TYPE: Callable[[float], float]


The range of the transformation. This will be used e.g. by Utility for the range of the composed.

TYPE: Tuple[float, float]


A string representation for the composition, for str().

TYPE: str


The composite Scorer.

Source code in src/pydvl/utils/
def compose_score(
    scorer: Scorer,
    transformation: Callable[[float], float],
    range: Tuple[float, float],
    name: str,
) -> Scorer:
    """Composes a scoring function with an arbitrary scalar transformation.

    Useful to squash unbounded scores into ranges manageable by data valuation


    sigmoid = lambda x: 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
    compose_score(Scorer("r2"), sigmoid, range=(0,1), name="squashed r2")

        scorer: The object to be composed.
        transformation: A scalar transformation
        range: The range of the transformation. This will be used e.g. by
            [Utility][pydvl.utils.utility.Utility] for the range of the composed.
        name: A string representation for the composition, for `str()`.

        The composite [Scorer][pydvl.utils.score.Scorer].

    class CompositeScorer(Scorer):
        def __call__(self, model: SupervisedModel, X: NDArray, y: NDArray) -> float:
            score = self._scorer(model=model, X=X, y=y)
            return transformation(score)

    return CompositeScorer(scorer, range=range, name=name)