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This module implements the standard point removal experiment in data valuation.

It is a method to evaluate the usefulness and stability of a valuation method. The idea is to remove a percentage of the data points from the training set based on their valuation, and then retrain the model and evaluate it on a test set. This is done for a range of removal percentages, and the performance is measured as a function of the percentage of data removed. By repeating this process multiple times, we can get an estimate of the stability of the valuation method.

The experiment can be run in parallel with the run_removal_experiment function. In order to call it, we need to define 3 types of factories:

  1. A factory that returns a train-test split of the data given a random state
  2. A factory that returns a utility that evaluates a model on a given test set. This is used for the performance evaluation. The model need not be the same as the one used for the valuation.
  3. A factory returning a valuation method. The training set is passed to the factory, in case the valuation needs to train something. E.g. for Data-OOB we need the bagging model to be fitted before the valuation is computed.


    data_factory: DataSplitFactory,
    valuation_factory: ValuationFactory,
    utility_factory: UtilityFactory,
    removal_percentages: NDArray,
    random_state: int,
) -> tuple[dict, dict]

A job that computes the scores for a single run of the removal experiment.


A callable that returns a tuple of Datasets (train, test) to use in the experiment.

TYPE: DataSplitFactory


A callable that returns a Valuation object given a train dataset and a random state. Computing values with this object is the goal of the experiment

TYPE: ValuationFactory


A callable that returns a ModelUtility object given a test dataset and a random state. This object is used to evaluate the performance of the valuation method by removing data points from the training set and retraining the model, then scoring it on the test set.

TYPE: UtilityFactory


As sequence of percentages of data to remove from the training set.



The random state to use in the experiment.

TYPE: int

Returns: A tuple of dictionaries with the scores for the low and high value removals.

Source code in src/pydvl/reporting/
def removal_job(
    data_factory: DataSplitFactory,
    valuation_factory: ValuationFactory,
    utility_factory: UtilityFactory,
    removal_percentages: NDArray,
    random_state: int,
) -> tuple[dict, dict]:
    A job that computes the scores for a single run of the removal experiment.

        data_factory: A callable that returns a tuple of Datasets (train, test) to use
            in the experiment.
        valuation_factory: A callable that returns a Valuation object given a train
            dataset and a random state. Computing values with this object is the goal
            of the experiment
        utility_factory: A callable that returns a ModelUtility object given a test
            dataset and a random state. This object is used to evaluate the performance
            of the valuation method by removing data points from the training set and
            retraining the model, then scoring it on the test set.
        removal_percentages: As sequence of percentages of data to remove from the
            training set.
        random_state: The random state to use in the experiment.
        A tuple of dictionaries with the scores for the low and high value removals.

    train, test = data_factory(random_state=random_state)
    valuation = valuation_factory(train=train, random_state=random_state)
    values = valuation.values()

    utility = utility_factory(test=test, random_state=random_state)
    low_scores: dict = compute_removal_score(
    low_scores["method_name"] = valuation.__class__.__name__

    high_scores: dict = compute_removal_score(

    high_scores["method_name"] = valuation.__class__.__name__

    return low_scores, high_scores


    data_factory: DataSplitFactory,
    valuation_factories: list[ValuationFactory],
    utility_factory: UtilityFactory,
    removal_percentages: NDArray,
    n_runs: int = 1,
    n_jobs: int = 1,
    random_state: int | None = None,
) -> tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]

Run the sample removal experiment.

Given the factories, the removal percentages, and the number of runs, this function does the following in each run:

  1. Sample a random state
  2. For each valuation method, compute the values and iteratively compute the scores after retraining on subsets of the data. This is parallelized. Each job requires 3 factories:

  3. A factory that returns a train-test split of the data given a random state

  4. A factory returning a valuation method. The training set is passed to the factory, in case the valuation needs to train something. E.g. for Data-OOB we need the bagging model to be fitted before the valuation is computed.
  5. A factory that returns a utility that evaluates some model on a given test set. This is used for the performance evaluation. The model need not be the same as the one used for the valuation.
  6. It returns the scores in two DataFrames, one for the high value removals and one for the low value removals.

A callable that returns a tuple of Datasets (train, test) given a random state

TYPE: DataSplitFactory


A list of callables that return Valuation objects given a model, train data, and random state. The training data is typically not needed for construction, but bagging models may require it

TYPE: list[ValuationFactory]


A callable that returns a ModelUtility object given a test dataset and a random state. This object is used to evaluate the performance of the valuation method by removing data points from the training set and retraining the model, then scoring it on the test set.

TYPE: UtilityFactory


The percentage of data to remove from the training set. This should be a list of floats between 0 and 1.



The number of repetitions of the experiment.



The number of parallel jobs to use.



The initial random state.

TYPE: int | None DEFAULT: None

Returns: A tuple of DataFrames with the scores for the low and high value removals

Source code in src/pydvl/reporting/
def run_removal_experiment(
    data_factory: DataSplitFactory,
    valuation_factories: list[ValuationFactory],
    utility_factory: UtilityFactory,
    removal_percentages: NDArray,
    n_runs: int = 1,
    n_jobs: int = 1,
    random_state: int | None = None,
) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
    """Run the sample removal experiment.

    Given the factories, the removal percentages, and the number of runs, this function
    does the following in each run:

    1. Sample a random state
    2. For each valuation method, compute the values and iteratively compute the scores
       after retraining on subsets of the data. This is parallelized. Each job requires
       3 factories:

       - A factory that returns a train-test split of the data given a random state
       - A factory returning a valuation method. The training set is passed to the
         factory, in case the valuation needs to train something. E.g. for Data-OOB
         we need the bagging model to be fitted before the valuation is computed.
       - A factory that returns a utility that evaluates some model on a given test set.
         This is used for the performance evaluation. The model need not be the same
         as the one used for the valuation.
    3. It returns the scores in two DataFrames, one for the high value removals and one
       for the low value removals.

        data_factory: A callable that returns a tuple of Datasets (train, test) given
            a random state
        valuation_factories: A list of callables that return Valuation objects given
            a model, train data, and random state. The training data is typically not
            needed for construction, but bagging models may require it
        utility_factory: A callable that returns a ModelUtility object given a test
            dataset and a random state. This object is used to evaluate the performance
            of the valuation method by removing data points from the training set and
            retraining the model, then scoring it on the test set.
        removal_percentages: The percentage of data to remove from the training set.
            This should be a list of floats between 0 and 1.
        n_runs: The number of repetitions of the experiment.
        n_jobs: The number of parallel jobs to use.
        random_state: The initial random state.
        A tuple of DataFrames with the scores for the low and high value removals
    all_high_scores = []
    all_low_scores = []

    with parallel_config(n_jobs=n_jobs):
        seed_seq = ensure_seed_sequence(random_state).generate_state(n_runs)
        job = delayed(removal_job)

        with Parallel(return_as="generator_unordered") as parallel:
            delayed_evals = parallel(
                for valuation_factory in valuation_factories
                for i in range(n_runs)
            for result in tqdm(
                delayed_evals, unit="%", total=len(valuation_factories) * n_runs
                low_scores, high_scores = result

    low_scores_df = pd.DataFrame(all_low_scores)
    high_scores_df = pd.DataFrame(all_high_scores)

    return low_scores_df, high_scores_df