Influence Function Model
In almost every practical application it is not possible to construct, even less invert the complete Hessian in memory. pyDVL offers several implementations of the interface InfluenceFunctionModel, which do not compute the full Hessian (in contrast to DirectInfluence).
Conjugate Gradient¶
This classical procedure for solving linear systems of equations is an iterative method that does not require the explicit inversion of the Hessian. Instead, it only requires the calculation of Hessian-vector products, making it a good choice for large datasets or models with many parameters. It is nevertheless much slower to converge than the direct inversion method and not as accurate. More info on the theory of conjugate gradient can be found on Wikipedia.
from pydvl.influence.torch import CgInfluence
if_model = CgInfluence(
The additional optional parameters x0
, rtol
, atol
, and maxiter
respectively the initial guess for the solution, the relative
tolerance, the absolute tolerance, and the maximum number of iterations.
Linear time Stochastic Second-Order Approximation (LiSSA)¶
The LiSSA method is a stochastic approximation of the inverse Hessian vector product. Compared to conjugate gradient it is faster but less accurate and typically suffers from instability.
In order to find the solution of the HVP, LiSSA iteratively approximates the inverse of the Hessian matrix with the following update:
where \(d\) and \(s\) are a dampening and a scaling factor, which are essential for the convergence of the method and they need to be chosen carefully, and I is the identity matrix. More info on the theory of LiSSA can be found in the original paper (Agarwal et al., 2017)1.
from pydvl.influence.torch import LissaInfluence
if_model = LissaInfluence(
with the additional optional parameters maxiter
, dampen
, scale
, h0
, and
being the maximum number of iterations, the dampening factor, the scaling
factor, the initial guess for the solution and the relative tolerance,
The Arnoldi method is a Krylov subspace method for approximating dominating eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Under a low rank assumption on the Hessian at a minimizer (which is typically observed for deep neural networks), this approximation captures the essential action of the Hessian. More concretely, for \(Hx=b\) the solution is approximated by
where \(D\) is a diagonal matrix with the top (in absolute value) eigenvalues of the Hessian and \(V\) contains the corresponding eigenvectors. See also (Schioppa et al., 2021)2.
from pydvl.influence.torch import ArnoldiInfluence
if_model = ArnoldiInfluence(
Eigenvalue Corrected K-FAC¶
K-FAC, short for Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature, is a method that approximates the Fisher information matrix FIM of a model. It is possible to show that for classification models with appropriate loss functions the FIM is equal to the Hessian of the model’s loss over the dataset. In this restricted but nonetheless important context K-FAC offers an efficient way to approximate the Hessian and hence the influence scores. For more info and details refer to the original paper (Martens and Grosse, 2015)3.
The K-FAC method is implemented in the class EkfacInfluence. The following code snippet shows how to use the K-FAC method to calculate the influence function of a model. Note that, in contrast to the other methods for influence function calculation, K-FAC does not require the loss function as an input. This is because the current implementation is only applicable to classification models with a cross entropy loss function.
from pydvl.influence.torch import EkfacInfluence
if_model = EkfacInfluence(
A further improvement of the K-FAC method is the Eigenvalue Corrected K-FAC (EKFAC) method (George et al., 2018)4, which allows to further re-fit the eigenvalues of the Hessian, thus providing a more accurate approximation. On top of the K-FAC method, the EKFAC method is implemented by setting update_diagonal=True
when initialising EkfacInfluence. The following code snippet shows how to use the EKFAC method to calculate the influence function of a model.
from pydvl.influence.torch import EkfacInfluence
if_model = EkfacInfluence(
Agarwal, N., Bullins, B., Hazan, E., 2017. Second-Order Stochastic Optimization for Machine Learning in Linear Time. JMLR 18, 1–40. ↩
Schioppa, A., Zablotskaia, P., Vilar, D., Sokolov, A., 2021. Scaling Up Influence Functions. Presented at the AAAI-22, arXiv. ↩
Martens, J., Grosse, R., 2015. Optimizing neural networks with kronecker-factored approximate curvature, in: International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, pp. 2408–2417. ↩
George, T., Laurent, C., Bouthillier, X., Ballas, N., Vincent, P., 2018. Fast approximate natural gradient descent in a kronecker factored eigenbasis. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31. ↩