The influence function¶
The code in the package pydvl.influence is experimental. Package structure and basic API are bound to change before v1.0.0
The influence function (IF) is a method to quantify the effect (influence) that each training point has on the parameters of a model, and by extension on any function thereof. In particular, it allows to estimate how much each training sample affects the error on a test point, making the IF useful for understanding and debugging models.
Alas, the influence function relies on some assumptions that can make their application difficult. Yet another drawback is that they require the computation of the inverse of the Hessian of the model wrt. its parameters, which is intractable for large models like deep neural networks. Much of the recent research tackles this issue using approximations, like a Neuman series (Agarwal et al., 2017)1, with the most successful solution using a low-rank approximation that iteratively finds increasing eigenspaces of the Hessian (Schioppa et al., 2021)2.
pyDVL implements several methods for the efficient computation of the IF for machine learning. In the examples we document some of the difficulties that can arise when using the IF.
First introduced in the context of robust statistics in (Hampel, 1974)3, the IF was popularized in the context of machine learning in (Koh and Liang, 2017)4.
Following their formulation, consider an input space \(\mathcal{X}\) (e.g. images) and an output space \(\mathcal{Y}\) (e.g. labels). Let's take \(z_i = (x_i, y_i)\), for \(i \in \{1,...,n\}\) to be the \(i\)-th training point, and \(\theta\) to be the (potentially highly) multi-dimensional parameters of a model (e.g. \(\theta\) is a big array with all of a neural network's parameters, including biases and/or dropout rates). We will denote with \(L(z, \theta)\) the loss of the model for point \(z\) when the parameters are \(\theta.\)
To train a model, we typically minimize the loss over all \(z_i\), i.e. the optimal parameters are
In practice, lack of convexity means that one doesn't really obtain the minimizer of the loss, and the training is stopped when the validation loss stops decreasing.
For notational convenience, let's define
i.e. \(\hat{\theta}_{-z}\) are the model parameters that minimize the total loss when \(z\) is not in the training dataset.
In order to compute the impact of each training point on the model, we would need to calculate \(\hat{\theta}_{-z}\) for each \(z\) in the training dataset, thus re-training the model at least ~\(n\) times (more if model training is stochastic). This is computationally very expensive, especially for big neural networks. To circumvent this problem, we can just calculate a first order approximation of \(\hat{\theta}\). This can be done through single backpropagation and without re-training the full model.
pyDVL supports two ways of computing the empirical influence function, namely
up-weighting of samples and perturbation influences. The choice is done by the
parameter influence_type
in the main entry point
Approximating the influence of a point¶
Let's define
which is the optimal \(\hat{\theta}\) when we up-weight \(z\) by an amount \(\epsilon \gt 0\).
From a classical result (a simple derivation is available in Appendix A of (Koh and Liang, 2017)4), we know that:
where \(H_{\hat{\theta}} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \nabla_\theta^2 L(z_i, \hat{\theta})\) is the Hessian of \(L\). These quantities are also knows as influence factors.
Importantly, notice that this expression is only valid when \(\hat{\theta}\) is a minimum of \(L\), or otherwise \(H_{\hat{\theta}}\) cannot be inverted! At the same time, in machine learning full convergence is rarely achieved, so direct Hessian inversion is not possible. Approximations need to be developed that circumvent the problem of inverting the Hessian of the model in all those (frequent) cases where it is not positive definite.
The influence of training point \(z\) on test point \(z_{\text{test}}\) is defined as:
Notice that \(\mathcal{I}\) is higher for points \(z\) which positively impact the model score, since the loss is higher when they are excluded from training. In practice, one needs to rely on the following infinitesimal approximation:
Using the chain rule and the results calculated above, we get:
All the resulting factors are gradients of the loss wrt. the model parameters \(\hat{\theta}\). This can be easily computed through one or more backpropagation passes.
Perturbation definition of the influence score¶
How would the loss of the model change if, instead of up-weighting an individual point \(z\), we were to up-weight only a single feature of that point? Given \(z = (x, y)\), we can define \(z_{\delta} = (x+\delta, y)\), where \(\delta\) is a vector of zeros except for a 1 in the position of the feature we want to up-weight. In order to approximate the effect of modifying a single feature of a single point on the model score we can define
Similarly to what was done above, we up-weight point \(z_{\delta}\), but then we also remove the up-weighting for all the features that are not modified by \(\delta\). From the calculations in the previous section, it is then easy to see that
and if the feature space is continuous and as \(\delta \to 0\) we can write
The influence of each feature of \(z\) on the loss of the model can therefore be estimated through the following quantity:
which, using the chain rule and the results calculated above, is equal to
The perturbation definition of the influence score is not straightforward to understand, but it has a simple interpretation: it tells how much the loss of the model changes when a certain feature of point z is up-weighted. A positive perturbation influence score indicates that the feature might have a positive effect on the accuracy of the model.
It is worth noting that the perturbation influence score is a very rough estimate of the impact of a point on the models loss and it is subject to large approximation errors. It can nonetheless be used to build training-set attacks, as done in (Koh and Liang, 2017)4.
The main entry point of the library for influence calculation is compute_influences. Given a pre-trained pytorch model with a loss, first an instance of TorchTwiceDifferentiable needs to be created:
from pydvl.influence import TorchTwiceDifferentiable
wrapped_model = TorchTwiceDifferentiable(model, loss, device)
The device specifies where influence calculation will be run.
Given training and test data loaders, the influence of each training point on each test point can be calculated via:
from pydvl.influence import compute_influences
from import DataLoader
training_data_loader = DataLoader(...)
test_data_loader = DataLoader(...)
The result is a tensor with one row per test point and one column per training point. Thus, each entry \((i, j)\) represents the influence of training point \(j\) on test point \(i\). A large positive influence indicates that training point \(j\) tends to improve the performance of the model on test point \(i\), and vice versa, a large negative influence indicates that training point \(j\) tends to worsen the performance of the model on test point \(i\).
Perturbation influences¶
The method of empirical influence computation can be selected in
compute_influences with the
parameter influence_type
from pydvl.influence import compute_influences
The result is a tensor with at least three dimensions. The first two dimensions
are the same as in the case of influence_type=up
case, i.e. one row per test
point and one column per training point. The remaining dimensions are the same
as the number of input features in the data. Therefore, each entry in the tensor
represents the influence of each feature of each training point on each test
Approximate matrix inversion¶
In almost every practical application it is not possible to construct, even less
invert the complete Hessian in memory. pyDVL offers several approximate
algorithms to invert it by setting the parameter inversion_method
from pydvl.influence import compute_influences
Each inversion method has its own set of parameters that can be tuned to improve the final result. These parameters can be passed directly to compute_influences as keyword arguments. For example, the following code sets the maximum number of iterations for conjugate gradient to \(100\) and the minimum relative error to \(0.01\):
from pydvl.influence import compute_influences
Hessian regularization¶
Additionally, and as discussed in the introduction, in machine learning training rarely converges to a global minimum of the loss. Despite good apparent convergence, \(\hat{\theta}\) might be located in a region with flat curvature or close to a saddle point. In particular, the Hessian might have vanishing eigenvalues making its direct inversion impossible. Certain methods, such as the Arnoldi method are robust against these problems, but most are not.
To circumvent this problem, many approximate methods can be implemented. The simplest adds a small hessian perturbation term, i.e. \(H_{\hat{\theta}} + \lambda \mathbb{I}\), with \(\mathbb{I}\) being the identity matrix. This standard trick ensures that the eigenvalues of \(H_{\hat{\theta}}\) are bounded away from zero and therefore the matrix is invertible. In order for this regularization not to corrupt the outcome too much, the parameter \(\lambda\) should be as small as possible while still allowing a reliable inversion of \(H_{\hat{\theta}} + \lambda \mathbb{I}\).
from pydvl.influence import compute_influences
Influence factors¶
The compute_influences method offers a fast way to obtain the influence scores given a model and a dataset. Nevertheless, it is often more convenient to inspect and save some of the intermediate results of influence calculation for later use.
The influence factors(refer to the previous section for a definition) are typically the most computationally demanding part of influence calculation. They can be obtained via the compute_influence_factors function, saved, and later used for influence calculation on different subsets of the training dataset.
from pydvl.influence import compute_influence_factors
influence_factors = compute_influence_factors(
The result is an object of type
which holds the calculated influence factors (influence_factors.x
) and a
dictionary with the info on the inversion process (
Methods for inverse HVP calculation¶
In order to calculate influence values, pydvl implements several methods for the calculation of the inverse Hessian vector product (iHVP). More precisely, given a model, training data and a tensor \(b\), the function solve_hvp will find \(x\) such that \(H x = b\), with \(H\) is the hessian of model.
Many different inversion methods can be selected via the parameter
The following subsections will offer more detailed explanations for each method.
Direct inversion¶
With inversion_method = "direct"
pyDVL will calculate the inverse Hessian
using the direct matrix inversion. This means that the Hessian will first be
explicitly created and then inverted. This method is the most accurate, but also
the most computationally demanding. It is therefore not recommended for large
datasets or models with many parameters.
import torch
from pydvl.influence.inversion import solve_hvp
b = torch.Tensor(...)
The result, an object of type
which holds two objects: influence_factors.x
The first one is the inverse Hessian vector product, while the second one is a
dictionary with the info on the inversion process. For this method, the info
consists of the Hessian matrix itself.
Conjugate Gradient¶
This classical procedure for solving linear systems of equations is an iterative method that does not require the explicit inversion of the Hessian. Instead, it only requires the calculation of Hessian-vector products, making it a good choice for large datasets or models with many parameters. It is nevertheless much slower to converge than the direct inversion method and not as accurate. More info on the theory of conjugate gradient can be found on Wikipedia.
In pyDVL, you can select conjugate gradient with inversion_method = "cg"
, like
from pydvl.influence.inversion import solve_hvp
The additional optional parameters x0
, rtol
, atol
, and maxiter
are passed
to the solve_batch_cg
function, and are respecively the initial guess for the solution, the relative
tolerance, the absolute tolerance, and the maximum number of iterations.
The resulting
InverseHvpResult holds
the solution of the iHVP, influence_factors.x
, and some info on the inversion
. More specifically, for each batch this will
contain the number of iterations, a boolean indicating if the inversion
converged, and the residual of the inversion.
Linear time Stochastic Second-Order Approximation (LiSSA)¶
The LiSSA method is a stochastic approximation of the inverse Hessian vector product. Compared to conjugate gradient it is faster but less accurate and typically suffers from instability.
In order to find the solution of the HVP, LiSSA iteratively approximates the inverse of the Hessian matrix with the following update:
where \(d\) and \(s\) are a dampening and a scaling factor, which are essential for the convergence of the method and they need to be chosen carefully, and I is the identity matrix. More info on the theory of LiSSA can be found in the original paper (Agarwal et al., 2017)1.
In pyDVL, you can select LiSSA with inversion_method = "lissa"
, like this:
from pydvl.influence.inversion import solve_hvp
with the additional optional parameters maxiter
, dampen
, scale
, h0
, and
, which are passed to the
solve_lissa function,
being the maximum number of iterations, the dampening factor, the scaling
factor, the initial guess for the solution and the relative tolerance,
The resulting InverseHvpResult
holds the solution of the iHVP, influence_factors.x
, and,
, the maximum percentage error
and the mean percentage error of the approximation.
Arnoldi solver¶
The Arnoldi method is a Krylov subspace method for approximating dominating eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Under a low rank assumption on the Hessian at a minimizer (which is typically observed for deep neural networks), this approximation captures the essential action of the Hessian. More concretely, for \(Hx=b\) the solution is approximated by
where \(D\) is a diagonal matrix with the top (in absolute value) eigenvalues of the Hessian and \(V\) contains the corresponding eigenvectors. See also (Schioppa et al., 2021)2.
In pyDVL, you can use Arnoldi with inversion_method = "arnoldi"
, as follows:
from pydvl.influence.inversion import solve_hvp
For the parameters, check
solve_arnoldi. The
InverseHvpResult holds
the solution of the iHVP, influence_factors.x
, and, within
, the computed eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Agarwal, N., Bullins, B., Hazan, E., 2017. Second-Order Stochastic Optimization for Machine Learning in Linear Time. JMLR 18, 1–40. ↩↩
Schioppa, A., Zablotskaia, P., Vilar, D., Sokolov, A., 2021. Scaling Up Influence Functions. Presented at the AAAI-22, arXiv. ↩↩
Hampel, F.R., 1974. The Influence Curve and Its Role in Robust Estimation. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 69, 383–393. ↩
Koh, P.W., Liang, P., 2017. Understanding Black-box Predictions via Influence Functions, in: Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning. Presented at the International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR, pp. 1885–1894. ↩↩↩
Created: 2023-10-14