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Monte Carlo approximations to Shapley Data values.


You probably want to use the common interface provided by compute_shapley_values() instead of directly using the functions in this module.

Because exact computation of Shapley values requires \(\mathcal{O}(2^n)\) re-trainings of the model, several Monte Carlo approximations are available. The first two sample from the powerset of the training data directly: combinatorial_montecarlo_shapley() and owen_sampling_shapley(). The latter uses a reformulation in terms of a continuous extension of the utility.

Alternatively, employing another reformulation of the expression above as a sum over permutations, one has the implementation in permutation_montecarlo_shapley(), or using an early stopping strategy to reduce computation truncated_montecarlo_shapley().

Also see

It is also possible to use group_testing_shapley() to reduce the number of evaluations of the utility. The method is however typically outperformed by others in this module.

Also see

Additionally, you can consider grouping your data points using GroupedDataset and computing the values of the groups instead. This is not to be confused with "group testing" as implemented in group_testing_shapley(): any of the algorithms mentioned above, including Group Testing, can work to valuate groups of samples as units.


  1. Ghorbani, A., Zou, J., 2019. Data Shapley: Equitable Valuation of Data for Machine Learning. In: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR, pp. 2242–2251. 

permutation_montecarlo_shapley(u, done, *, truncation=NoTruncation(), n_jobs=1, config=ParallelConfig(), progress=False, seed=None)

Computes an approximate Shapley value by sampling independent permutations of the index set, approximating the sum:

\[ v_u(x_i) = \frac{1}{n!} \sum_{\sigma \in \Pi(n)} \tilde{w}( | \sigma_{:i} | )[u(\sigma_{:i} \cup \{i\}) − u(\sigma_{:i})], \]

where \(\sigma_{:i}\) denotes the set of indices in permutation sigma before the position where \(i\) appears (see [[data-valuation]] for details).

This implements the method described in (Ghorbani and Zou, 2019)1 with a double stopping criterion.

.. todo:: Think of how to add Robin-Gelman or some other more principled stopping criterion.

Instead of naively implementing the expectation, we sequentially add points to coalitions from a permutation and incrementally compute marginal utilities. We stop computing marginals for a given permutation based on a TruncationPolicy. (Ghorbani and Zou, 2019)1 mention two policies: one that stops after a certain fraction of marginals are computed, implemented in FixedTruncation, and one that stops if the last computed utility ("score") is close to the total utility using the standard deviation of the utility as a measure of proximity, implemented in BootstrapTruncation.

We keep sampling permutations and updating all shapley values until the StoppingCriterion returns True.


Utility object with model, data, and scoring function.

TYPE: Utility


function checking whether computation must stop.

TYPE: StoppingCriterion


An optional callable which decides whether to interrupt processing a permutation and set all subsequent marginals to zero. Typically used to stop computation when the marginal is small.

TYPE: TruncationPolicy DEFAULT: NoTruncation()


number of jobs across which to distribute the computation.



Object configuring parallel computation, with cluster address, number of cpus, etc.

TYPE: ParallelConfig DEFAULT: ParallelConfig()


Whether to display a progress bar.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


Either an instance of a numpy random number generator or a seed for it.



Object with the data values.

Source code in src/pydvl/value/shapley/
        coordinator_update_period=None, worker_update_period=None, progress=None
def permutation_montecarlo_shapley(
    u: Utility,
    done: StoppingCriterion,
    truncation: TruncationPolicy = NoTruncation(),
    n_jobs: int = 1,
    config: ParallelConfig = ParallelConfig(),
    progress: bool = False,
    seed: Seed = None,
) -> ValuationResult:
    r"""Computes an approximate Shapley value by sampling independent
    permutations of the index set, approximating the sum:

    v_u(x_i) = \frac{1}{n!} \sum_{\sigma \in \Pi(n)}
    \tilde{w}( | \sigma_{:i} | )[u(\sigma_{:i} \cup \{i\}) − u(\sigma_{:i})],

    where $\sigma_{:i}$ denotes the set of indices in permutation sigma before
    the position where $i$ appears (see [[data-valuation]] for details).

    This implements the method described in (Ghorbani and Zou, 2019)<sup><a href="#ghorbani_data_2019">1</a></sup>
    with a double stopping criterion.

    .. todo::
       Think of how to add Robin-Gelman or some other more principled stopping

    Instead of naively implementing the expectation, we sequentially add points
    to coalitions from a permutation and incrementally compute marginal utilities.
    We stop computing marginals for a given permutation based on a
    (Ghorbani and Zou, 2019)<sup><a href="#ghorbani_data_2019">1</a></sup>
    mention two policies: one that stops after a certain
    fraction of marginals are computed, implemented in
    and one that stops if the last computed utility ("score") is close to the
    total utility using the standard deviation of the utility as a measure of
    proximity, implemented in

    We keep sampling permutations and updating all shapley values
    until the [StoppingCriterion][pydvl.value.stopping.StoppingCriterion] returns

        u: Utility object with model, data, and scoring function.
        done: function checking whether computation must stop.
        truncation: An optional callable which decides whether to interrupt
            processing a permutation and set all subsequent marginals to
            zero. Typically used to stop computation when the marginal is small.
        n_jobs: number of jobs across which to distribute the computation.
        config: Object configuring parallel computation, with cluster address,
            number of cpus, etc.
        progress: Whether to display a progress bar.
        seed: Either an instance of a numpy random number generator or a seed for it.

        Object with the data values.
    algorithm = "permutation_montecarlo_shapley"

    parallel_backend = init_parallel_backend(config)
    u = parallel_backend.put(u)
    max_workers = effective_n_jobs(n_jobs, config)
    n_submitted_jobs = 2 * max_workers  # number of jobs in the executor's queue

    seed_sequence = ensure_seed_sequence(seed)
    result = ValuationResult.zeros(algorithm=algorithm)

    pbar = tqdm(disable=not progress, total=100, unit="%")

    with init_executor(
        max_workers=max_workers, config=config, cancel_futures=CancellationPolicy.ALL
    ) as executor:
        pending: set[Future] = set()
        while True:
            pbar.n = 100 * done.completion()

            completed, pending = wait(
                pending, timeout=config.wait_timeout, return_when=FIRST_COMPLETED
            for future in completed:
                result += future.result()
                # we could check outside the loop, but that means more
                # submissions if the stopping criterion is unstable
                if done(result):
                    return result

            # Ensure that we always have n_submitted_jobs in the queue or running
            n_remaining_slots = n_submitted_jobs - len(pending)
            seeds = seed_sequence.spawn(n_remaining_slots)
            for i in range(n_remaining_slots):
                future = executor.submit(

combinatorial_montecarlo_shapley(u, done, *, n_jobs=1, config=ParallelConfig(), progress=False, seed=None)

Computes an approximate Shapley value using the combinatorial definition:

\[v_u(i) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{S \subseteq N \setminus \{i\}} \binom{n-1}{ | S | }^{-1} [u(S \cup \{i\}) − u(S)]\]

This consists of randomly sampling subsets of the power set of the training indices in, and computing their marginal utilities. See Data valuation for details.

Note that because sampling is done with replacement, the approximation is poor even for \(2^{m}\) subsets with \(m>n\), even though there are \(2^{n-1}\) subsets for each \(i\). Prefer permutation_montecarlo_shapley().

Parallelization is done by splitting the set of indices across processes and computing the sum over subsets \(S \subseteq N \setminus \{i\}\) separately.


Utility object with model, data, and scoring function

TYPE: Utility


Stopping criterion for the computation.

TYPE: StoppingCriterion


number of parallel jobs across which to distribute the computation. Each worker receives a chunk of indices



Object configuring parallel computation, with cluster address, number of cpus, etc.

TYPE: ParallelConfig DEFAULT: ParallelConfig()


Whether to display progress bars for each job.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


Either an instance of a numpy random number generator or a seed for it.

TYPE: Optional[Seed] DEFAULT: None


Object with the data values.

Source code in src/pydvl/value/shapley/
def combinatorial_montecarlo_shapley(
    u: Utility,
    done: StoppingCriterion,
    n_jobs: int = 1,
    config: ParallelConfig = ParallelConfig(),
    progress: bool = False,
    seed: Optional[Seed] = None,
) -> ValuationResult:
    r"""Computes an approximate Shapley value using the combinatorial

    $$v_u(i) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{S \subseteq N \setminus \{i\}}
    \binom{n-1}{ | S | }^{-1} [u(S \cup \{i\}) − u(S)]$$

    This consists of randomly sampling subsets of the power set of the training
    indices in [][pydvl.utils.utility.Utility], and computing their
    marginal utilities. See [Data valuation][computing-data-values] for details.

    Note that because sampling is done with replacement, the approximation is
    poor even for $2^{m}$ subsets with $m>n$, even though there are $2^{n-1}$
    subsets for each $i$. Prefer

    Parallelization is done by splitting the set of indices across processes and
    computing the sum over subsets $S \subseteq N \setminus \{i\}$ separately.

        u: Utility object with model, data, and scoring function
        done: Stopping criterion for the computation.
        n_jobs: number of parallel jobs across which to distribute the
            computation. Each worker receives a chunk of
        config: Object configuring parallel computation, with cluster address,
            number of cpus, etc.
        progress: Whether to display progress bars for each job.
        seed: Either an instance of a numpy random number generator or a seed for it.

        Object with the data values.

    map_reduce_job: MapReduceJob[NDArray, ValuationResult] = MapReduceJob(,
        reduce_func=lambda results: reduce(operator.add, results),
        map_kwargs=dict(u=u, done=done, progress=progress),
    return map_reduce_job(seed=seed)

Last update: 2023-09-02
Created: 2023-09-02